
ADIEU to Arunachal Pradesh Government- Denhang Bosai

As I bid adieu to the state government, I sincerely and  passionately appeal to my fellow government employees to be sincere, punctual and committed.....

ADIEU to Arunachal Pradesh Government- By Denhang Bosai, former Dy Director, IPR, Arunachal Pradesh All good things must come to an end one day. Life is a transitory flower and not a static object. Nothing is permanent in this transient world. We are only taking rest as guests in this beautiful world as we continue our journey towards the unknown world ahead. Even the beautiful flowers that spread colours and fragrance wither soon. The lovely birds that sing soothing songs for us vanish.

As I leave the government service on attainment of superannuation, I extend my heart-felt thanks and deep sense of gratitude to Chief Minister Pema Khandu and Dy CM  Chowna Mein under whose visionary leadership, the state is taking rapid strides in all spheres. I thank the state government for addressing the pressing and important issues of the government employees sincerely and seriously. As a simple government servant I tried to contribute in whatever small ways I could and do justice to my job. From now onwards, I shall be a farmer, living peacefully with the simple and unpretentious villagers amidst rural ambience, far removed from the hustle and bustle of the chaotic city life.

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ADIEU to Arunachal Pradesh Government- Bosai

During my 34 years of service, beginning from 1987, I have met many wonderful colleagues and friends from across the state with whom I spent memorable and meaningful time. I worked with many Deputy Commissioners in the district as DIPRO. However, working with former  DC, Tirap, Ankur Garg and his madam Smti. Swati Sharma,  then ADC, Khonsa was truly  enriching and memorable for me. They were not only good administrators but also very good human beings which is the hallmark of great people.

I wrote maximum articles during that period and got the opportunity to contribute my mite in myriad activities in my home district. That phase was the most productive for me in terms of not only expressing myself as a small time writer but also in rendering my  sincere services to the people. I shall also fondly remember working with former DC, East Kameng at Seppa A. Mazumdar, (now retired) during my formative years as Language Officer in the late 80s. When Bana bridge was completely washed away by the flooding Bichom river in 1989, Seppa was cut off from the rest of the world for one month. Washing away of the bridge also robbed me of the opportunity to write APCS Examination for which I did receive the calling letter.

ADIEU to Arunachal Pradesh Government- Bosai

That phase was the most challenging time in my entire service career. As Teachers were stranded at Bana while returning from summer vacation, we the Officers of different Departments taught the students of GHS School, Seppa as temporary Teachers for a month. As Deputy Director of DIPR, I was privileged to work with learned Secretaries including Talem Tapok, Smt. Mitali Namchoom, Sonam Chombay, Himanshu Gupta and NT Glow. They all motivated me to give my best to enhance the image and esteem of the Department and I tried to travel the proverbial extra mile to serve the Department with the best of my abilities.

As I bid adieu to the state government, I sincerely and  passionately appeal to my fellow government employees to be sincere, punctual and committed because the law makers only formulate policies and programmes for the state, in real sense, it is the Officers and officials who have to effectively implement them on the ground. Success of any government scheme solely depends on the government employees. Its the employees who can make or mar the state. Absenteeism in offices which is a great menace and a scourge for any state, is a matter of grave concern.

ADIEU to Arunachal Pradesh Government- Denhang Bosai

It has to be arrested at the earliest. Absenteeism is one of the main causes of hampering the healthy  growth of the state and also in creating untold miseries for the hapless public. Let us all take a solemn pledge today to serve our beautiful state with strong resolve and unwavering commitment to make our frontier state, Arunachal Pradesh vibrant, robust and self-reliant. Let the posterity not suffer because of our follies, fallacies and lackadaisical attitude.

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