Where the eviction for much awaited four line highway project is going on the same time people of capital complex started raising voice against the eviction drive. they alleged that the second and New highway alignment for four line in capital complex is damaging 4 building, total of 8 rooms including class and Headmaster rooms of Government Secondary School P-Sector in Itanagar.
Strongly opposing the new four line highway alignment, the area councillor cum School Managing Development Committee (SMDA) members Gora Lotak, said that the highway authority has put their final measurement of 15m from the centre of road or (ROW) and a structure depicting the measurement has been erected outside the school boundary wall. But it was utter surprises came to know that the final measurement team from highway Dept. marked the measurement sign inside the school wall and this new alignment will be damaging four building, where of 6 class room including headmaster and SBSE room. which is more than 30 meters from the centre of the road Whereas, the latest Govt. decision as we came to know is 12 m from the centre of road for the highway widening he added.
The Govt. school provides all the necessary education to the needy students of 6 feeder Primary school and 4 Upper Primary School and a total of 1100 students enrolled during this current academic session 2017-18.
The School is a temple of learning and a training ground for future citizen, keeping on this in mind and the measurement as made earlier is to be stand firm ,in the greater interest of the school children and for those children who will get their basic education from this school in nearby future.
Lotak also inform that in this regards the school Managing Committee (SMDC), Parent, Guardians Held a meeting where all are totally opposed this present and new measurement and we the school authority and SMDC ready to surrender 12 meter from the centre of road (ROW).but not ready to for as per new measurement.
He also inform that in this regards we have submitted a complain latter to deputy commissioner of capital complex and requested to look into the matter and give necessary directives at earliest on the issue and if request or demand is not fulfilled then we will be return the compensation amount of Rs 45 lakhs to the DC, Capital Complex and take extreme step for the sake of our children those, who are availing their basic education this lone Secondary School he added.
The main question arises on what ground re-measurement has been done, to compensate someone vested interest. In the act of grabbing school land thinking that there is no one to raise voice against the injustice is a very immature thinking those whosoever may be responsible for this irresponsible act Lotak, question.
During emergency meeting convened by the SMDC on 20th August last at Govt. Secondary School. Which was attended by the Parents & Guardians and The committee also passed resolution, that At any cost we will not let highway dept. to take over the school land. The earlier earmarked 15 meter or 12meter from the canter of road is to be stand in letter and spirit.
If compensation amount is the bone of contention that we will return back the amount Rs.45 lakh without second thought. We will carried out dharna or procession or any ways and means to uphold and protect the school land .
We will file cases against the officers those who did their best to lure someone or working for someone vested interest to protect their land.
Meanwhile, condemning the issue the All Papum Pare District Student Union(APPDSU) Vice president Tok Nanu said this issue is depriving student community, if the district administration could not take any necessary steps on this issue and then we the student community come out the road for democratic movement.
Capital complex Deputy Commissioner Prince Dhawan informed arunachal24 that we have started the eviction and demolition drive on August 24 from Chandranagar bridge point and within three day the drive party have reached near Legi Complex in Bank Tinali area and clearing the ROW.
Dhawan said two team have been constituted and both team are continuously carrying out their eviction drive on both side of the NH-415 on daily basis. The weather is also supporting and the demolition and eviction is being done without disturbance and elaborate security arrangement were also made and people as well as building owners are very cooperative and supporting the move of the district administration. Everybody is facing the traffic jam problem in capital and their cooperation for demolition and eviction will naturally pave the way for construction of a good road in capital complex. We have fixed a deadline that we may be able to clear all the structure on ROW and handover the stretch from Chandranagr to Papu Nallah latest by September 12 2017 to the executing agency.
On P Sector Secondary School issue Dhawan said that the board form for compensation for structure falling outside ROW has already given the compensation to the tune of Rs, 45 lakhs in which the assessment for RCC boundary wall, CC platform, boulder wall, two SPT building and RCC water tank. Accordingly the money is lying with the education dept and they will immediately utilised to construct two class rooms. In the meanwhile DDSE Capital complex has been directed to make interim arrangement to ensure that the education of children’s is not disturbed in any way. Even Secretary Education have also assured of his full support in this regards. He requested the school children, parents and school authority to cooperate with the district administration and education dept to ensure eviction as well as not to disturb the sturdy to young children’s.