Arunachal: Sukhvinder Singh appeal to learn more from workshop of seminars

Director Town Planning Sukhvinder Singh while inaugurating the one day state level Orientation workshop on assessment of live ability Indices for 117 cities of India said the participants who so ever should learn from such workshop and seminars so that they can deliver the good for the masses and such training will enrich them upto date in preparing schemes/programmes and project in their jurisdiction and department.
Singh said that Itanagar and Pasighat are among those 117 cities of the country which are selected Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MOHUA ) for organising this type of workshop.
He said that the state government have organised such workshop at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi recently which was appreciated by one and all and we do received lots of knowledge which lead us to make the project and programme in more better way for our state.
He appeal all stakeholders and line department officer who attended to take due advantage of training and upload the actual and correct date pertaining to their department in the portal created by the Ministry.
MOHUA Consultant Dev Kanya delivered key note address and show all related activities through power point presentation on the need of the data and information of two city of state. She refer the role and responsibility and timeline fixed by the Ministry is April 10 while all reports and recommendation need to be submitted latest by June.
The date of various department like education scenario, health and hygiene, sanitation, water supply, environment protection, economic condition need to be carefully with due consultation with the officials of the department officers and Nodal Officers as well as 600 people of the locality while al these date will also be utilised by the Ministry in the Smart City project.
State Coordinator Balaji Chakrawar presented the detail of requirement from the line department and appeal all to coordinate. He inform that City coordinator Reena Ngomle have been appointed for Paisghat who will look after the requirement there.
Joint Director (Transport) Charu Tayum, IMC Municipal Executive Engineer Tadar Tarang among other officer from line department attended the day lone programme including the technical session.