On directives of Chief Minister Pema Khandu, Personnel department recently conducted Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) meeting to consider promotions of APCS officers in various categories.
The DPC headed by Chief Secretary Shakuntala D Gamlin as chairperson with Principal Secretary Personnel Satya Gopal and Commissioner GA/DA Hage Kojeen as members cleared promotions for 16 Entry Grade officers to Senior Grade, 18 Senior Grade officers to Selection Grade and 11 Selection Grade to Admin. Grade officers.
Appreciating the promptness of the department in conducting the much required DPC which had been due for long, Khandu reiterated his directives to all other departments to follow suit and abide by the Government order of conducting DPC twice in an year i.e. on every six month basis.
“For ensuring quality work output, moral of the officers should always be high. And for keeping so, timely promotion is important” asserted Khandu. He directed departments to conduct DPC periodically.
The chief minister hinted on taking reviews of the action taken by all departments on DPC.