Arunachal: NEC Secretary, K. Moses Chalai visits Namsai

NAMSAI- North Eastern Council (NEC) Secretary, K. Moses Chalai, visits Namsai District. He was accompanied by Director Science and Technology, NEC Shillong Tanung Jamoh and Joint Director Planning, Itanagar, Okep Tayeng.
In a meeting held at DC’s Conference Hall, Secretary K Moses Chalai lauded the district for doing a commendable job with the small corpus provided by NEC and congratulated the district on sky shooting its rank under Aspirational District programme from 93rd in 2018 to 13th in 2022.
He praised the officials for their efficient work culture in smooth and proper implementation of projects and assured all possible assistance from their end. He urged the district to complete the ongoing projects with timely submission of UCs. Since the district has a topographic advantage over other hilly areas in the state, which has lot of limitations, he suggested the district for adoption of double cropping system to increase farmers income.
Deputy Commissioner C.R Khampa extended warm welcome to NEC Secretary and team, and thanked them for sanctioning funds to the district which has been used in various projects such as upgradation of school infrastructure, procurement of equipment for Dept. of WCD etc. which has contributed in saturating the key performance indicators of Aspirational District Programme.
He informed that Namsai being an aspirational district, certain sectors such as Education, Agriculture and allied have been prioritized and the district is hoping to bring in more projects under these sectors. He sought continued support and cooperation from Secretary, NEC and team.
District Planning Officer, Dr. K. Sharma gave a detailed presentation on the ongoing and completed projects under NEC and various other schemes. Through his presentation he emphasized the work participation and occupation of Namsai and apprised that almost 74% of the populace in the district are directly dependent on agri and allied sector for livelihood. He said that transformation of a district is difficult until and unless there is investment and went on to mention that funding from NEC has contributed in improving the KPIs under ADP.
The Secretary while discussing the details of the ongoing NEC funded projects, addressed queries put forth by the officials present in the meeting.
All the district Head of offices and admin officers were present in the meeting.