
Itanagar: Obey Laws and rules to reduce traffic and garbage in city roads- Talo Potom

ITANAGAR:  Additional District Magistrate (ADM) cum chief estate officer Talo Potom appeal the denizens of Itanagar capital complex to obey law and rules, to reduce traffic jam and garbage in the city roads.

Speaking to media, Potom said that we are living in the capital city of state and state capital is the mirror and we should not show our ugly face to the fellow citizens of state living in the districts. There are several laws, rules and regulation made for citizens which need to be followed so that the citizens live in peace, communal harmony and brotherhood. He said.

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The main problem being face by the citizens is the traffic jams, garbage management, land encroachment and now the drug menace is also increasing in Capital Complex. “ we need to understand the need of the hour so that our city become a clean, hygiene and we live in peace, healthy environment. If we do not stopped the land encroachment a time will come we can’t able to make any planning process for the new requirement and further development of the city. Potom observed.

The law executing agency will now become strict and soon if the denizens do not abide the law the administration may have to follow rules and regulation and go by the law by way of registering case and arresting encroachers and other defaulters. He said.

The drug menace is also increasing and it is affecting the good health of our youths and urge upon the parents to take care of their wards so that they do not indulge in drug addiction cases. He said.

“ we may not able to enjoy a happy and peaceful life until we follow the rule of law, rules and regulation and guidelines and advisory issued by IMC, Capital administration , capital police and state government” Potom added.

He further appeal the government servants, social workers and leaders to put extra energy and rededicate themselves for the cause of development of capital complex for a happy living.


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