Arunachal: proceedings of second day of APLA

here are the proceedings of second day of sixteen session of the sixth Arunachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly.
Replying to the starred question raised by Lombo Tayeng MLA regarding rationalisation of teacher posting ,number of teachers in East Siang dist. ,number or defunct schools etc., Honchung Ngandam, Minister (Edu) informed the House that most of teachers transfered within the district have joined their place of posting. However, inter district transfer could not be implemented as the teachers have gone to the Court. There is no defunct schools in the state due to shortage of teachers. If there’s any it is because of no enrollment of students , the Minister informed.
Dy CM Chowna Mein informed that delay in construction of Balipara , Chardwar, Tawang road constructed by BRO is due to funding system, delay in Wildlife clearance, finalization of Land Acquisition etc. However, now the road is planned to be completed within December 2021. He was replying to a question why the BCT road was taking so much time by Japu Deru, MLA.
To the quarry by Rajesh Tacho regarding construction of Mini Secretariat at Anini in Dibang Valley , The Dy CM said that secretariats in the districts will be constructed in phase manner on priority. However he informed that no official proposal has come from the district administration.
To the question by Pani Taram MLA regarding contractual employees of Panchayat, Alo Libang ,minister (H&FW/ RD) informed that the govt. is examining the case of contractual employees.
In regards to question by Paknga Bage MLA, the education minister Honchung Ngandam informed that Govt. Higher Secondary School ,Maro was upgraded in 2015 and post of Principal and subject teachers have been sanctioned. The subject teachers will be posted as and when they are appointed or recruited through APPSC.
As to the question by Wanglin Lowangdong, MLA, Alo Libang informed that infrastructure(both institutional ans residential) ofCHCs, PHCs and SCs are being taken up in phase manner. He also provided information regarding the numbers of CHC, PHCs and SCs and their status with manpower. He further informed that the newly recruited doctors are being posted o need based basis.
Regarding Govt. Poly Technical College, Khonsa, raises by Tirong Aboh MLA, Honchung Ngandam, Minister(Edu)informed that infrastructure devlopment has been completed, however, since no student opted for the institution in the APJEE, the session could not be started.
Dy CM Chowna Mein , laid the following papers on table of the House.1. 29th annual report of Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commision for the year 2016-17. 2.11th and 12th Annual Report of Arunachal Pradesh Information Commision.3.(a) The Arunachal Pradesh Right to Information(8th Amendment) Rules,2017 ,(b) The Arunachal Pradesh Information Commission (Salaries/Allowances and other conditions of Services)(1st Amendment) Regulation2017. 4(a) Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (Limitation of Functions) Regulation1988, (b) The Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission(Limitation of Functions)(Amendment) Regulation1994, (c) The Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission(Limitation of Functions)(Amendment) Regulations1997, (d) The Arunachal Public Service Commission(Limitation of Functions)(Amendment) Regulations1998 (e) The Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission(Limitation of Functions)(Amendments) Regulations ,2000 (h) The Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (Limitation of Functions)(10th Amendment) Regulations 2017 (i) The Arunachal pradesh Public Service Commission to conduct the recruitment of all Group B (Non gazetted) post under Govt. of A.P.
Kamlung Mosang, Minister(WRD, Food and Civil Supplyetc.) laid the Arunachal Pradesh Food Security Rules 2015.
Kumar Waii, Minister (Home) laid the Arunachal Pradesh Sate Human Rights Commission( Salaries, Allowances and other Conditions of Services of Chairperson and Members) Rules 2017.
Chowna Mein laid the Report of the CAG of India on State Finances of Arunachal Pradesh for the year ended 31st March 2017.
Secretary, Legislative Assembly laid the Bills as assented by the Honourable Governor of Arunachal Pradesh.
Chowna Mein moved and introduced three Bills – (1) The Staff Selection Board Bill 2018, (2) The Indian Stamp Act 1899(Act No 2 of1899)(in its application to the state of Arunachal Pradesh)( Amendment)Bill2018 and. ( 3) The Arunachal Pradesh Re- organisation of Districts (Amendment) Bill 2018.
Lombo Tayeng moved a Private Member Resolution that the Government of Arunachal Pradesh to take steps to move the Ministry of Finance along with North Eastern Region who are tax exempted to apprise the unnecessary mental torture meted by the officers of Income Tax department to the tax exempted tribals.
The Dy CM , Chowna Mein informed that Income Tax is a Central subject and the State Govt. has no jurisdiction. However, he assured that the State Govt. will take up with the Centre and approach the central Board of Direct Taxes, Ministry of Finance to conduct Grivances Redressal Camps in the state to make people aware of the relevant IT Acts and to solve the problems that the people may be facing. Also for posting of an Income Tax Officer specially for TDS which will give deduction certificates, exemption certificates and and process TDS refunds. Lombo Tayeng withdrew the motion after the assurance.