AAPSU demands expulsion of all insurgent groups operating in TLC region

The AAPSU demanded immediate expulsion of all insurgent groups and underground elements operating in TLC region so that peace & security of the indigenous people of the state is secured and normalcy restored.
The All Arunachal Pradesh Students’ Union (AAPSU) while welcoming the State Government’s decision to hand over brutal killing of Lt Tirong Aboh sitting MLA of 56th Khonsa Assembly constituency on 21st May 2019 along with ten other innocent persons to National Investigation Agency (NIA) and other announcements to absorb the kith’s & kin of the deceased in government job and ex gratia of twenty lakhs each.
At the same time, we also call upon the State government to seriously implore upon the crux of the problem that has engulfed whole of the TLC (Tirap, Changlang & Longding) region since Past two decades when insurgency was brought in by some vested interested politicians for their selfish & individual benefits, stated AAPSU in press release issued on Wednesday.
AAPSU stated that ” TLC region pre-1997 was known for its prosperity in all aspects whether it be on economic front or in the sphere of Human resource but today insurgency has subdued everything. Rampant killing, Extortion, intimidation etc. have become order of the day.
This is a fact which should be acknowledged by everyone. Insurgent groups and underground elements have been running parallel government with monthly taxation even from State & Central government employees, said AAPSU.
The Union has taken cognisance of the precarious law & Order problem in TLC region owing to the presence of different insurgent groups that are exerting almost parallel system of tax collection and the perennial turmoil inflicted upon the common people of the region due to their illegal/terrorising activities which is well known to the successive state government and union government.
The AAPSU demands immediate expulsion of all insurgent groups and underground elements operating in TLC region so that peace & security of the indigenous people of the state is secured and normalcy restored.
The AAPSU to show its anguish and highlight the grievances of TLC people and justice for Lt. Tirong Aboh and all those people who have been mercilessly killed has decided to organise sit in protest on 8th June 2019 as its first phase across the country and in the state.
All the federating unit of the Union i.e. all the District Students’ Union (DSU), University Students’ union, College students’ Union, Branch students’ Union in the State and across the country shall be carrying out the protest in their respective jurisdictions. Further, the Union shall also intensify the protests and move the Union Home Ministry regarding the same.