
Vodafone Launches 4G network in Itanagar


Network service providers have a major role to play to make the vision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi a reality” said chief minister Pema Khandu after launching 4G network of Vodafone here in a glittering function at Dree Ground today.


While strongly advocating the master stroke of Prime Minister on demonetisation, Khandu said that corruption and terrorism can only be contained by adopting cashless transaction. In order to materialise cashless transaction, a seamless internet connectivity is required which is being provided by the nerwork service providers, Khandu reasoned. He further added that Information technology will be the driving force to change the face of the country.

He congratulated Vodafone for launching 4G network and said that the network giant’s move has come in the right moment when the entire country is standing with Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his mission to fight corruption and terrorism. He hoped that with the launch of Vodafone 4G, common people will be benefitted the most and that they could easily avail the online facilities from the lightening speed internet service provided by the service provider.

Khandu disclosed the gathering about Government of India’s target of connecting all the gram panchayats of Arunachal Pradesh with IT services by next year. “Tough terrains with low density of road network are few immediate bottlenecks in bringing in IT connectivity in the state, but we are confident that basic common services will reach every village of the state soon as Government of India and the state Government are equally optimistic to make the digital India campaign happen in Arunachal” CM emphatically said.

Khandu said that the role of private players are equally important to connect the state with rest of the world. He thanked the Vodafone for choosing Arunachal for launching their first 4G network in Northeast. “The state government will always lend you the helping hand to enhance your reach and connectivity”, CM assured.

Among others, Home Minister Kumar Waii, Ministers Rajesh Tacho, Jomde Kena, Hunchun Ngandam, Tamiyo Taga, Parliamentary Secretary Pani Taram with Operation Director, Vodafone India Arvind Vohra and CEO and Business head Vodafone Northeast Alok Verma were present on the occasion.


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