Itanagar: take care of their ward to stay away from drug- Techi Kaso
Kaso said youths and students involving in drugs cases and spoiling their life which is a alarming trend.....

Local MLA Techi Kaso appeal all section of society including parents to take care of their wards and children, to stay way from drug specially in during the school days and even during the college life.
Addressing a huge gathering at Holy Cross Higher Secondary School, Nyokum Lapang on the occasion of 19th School Annual day cum science & Art exhibition here as chief guest, Kaso said there has been report of increase of youths and students involving in drugs cases and spoiling their life which is a alarming trend and danger for the beautiful god gifted life. Several youths and students who has been habit of drug are also found involving in crimes and a serious issue for the parents to think twice and thrice.
“ several parents are now a days do not give time to their children and old parents which has led the children to divert their focus to other issue and some of them has involved in drug and criminal activities”. He said.
Terming the children and youths as future of family, community, society, state and country Kaso urge upon the sector and colony welfare committee and several organization to work out modalities and stop the children who are found to be involved in drugs and any criminal activities.
Being local elected representative of the capital will continue to guide the capital and at the same time I will also request and appeal all section to cooperate with the administration in solving several crime related activities and to build the state capital a beautiful place to live in peace and harmony.