Arunachal- Budget 2017-18 With a Difference

Deputy Chief Minister Chowna Mein who also holds the portfolio of Department of Finance presented the Budget for the year 2017-18 today in Assembly. Govt called it is a people budget and Budget with a Difference.
Some Important Highlights of the Budget
- Rationalization of Excise Duty rates.
- Implement the Goods and Services Tax.
- Integrate Planning and Finance Departments into Department of Finance and investments.
- Do away the Plan and Non-Plan distinction and classify the receipts and capital only in Capital and Revenue heads.
- Leadership roles for Deputy Commissioners.
- Dispense the practice of announcing the states annual developmental agenda towards the end of the year meanwhile clear provisions are made to list out schemes to be undertaken by each department.
- The Centrally Sponsored Schemes will be implemented on the Public Financial Management System platform.
- The budget documents and allocations to be uploaded on the Government website for public accountability.
- Strong thrust on E-governance.
- Arunachal Pradesh into 2 administrative divisions headed by Divisional Commissioner.
- Upgrade Administrative Training Institute at Naharlagun. (Rs. 10 crores)
- Upgrade APPSC. (Rs. 5 crores)
- A separate Transmission Companyin Power Department to function as state transmission utility.
- Public procurement beyond 1 crore on public procurement portal
- Recruitment of all Assistant School Teachers to be done purely on the basis of marks in TET. No interviews
- Recruitment of group B and C to be done by APPSC.
- PDS & Direct Cash Benefit Transfer scheme:
- Direct benefit transfer scheme in Itanagar, Naharlagun, Doimukh, Pasighat, Tezu, Namsai, Roing, Khonsa, select areas of Bomdila
- Targeted PDS scheme in rural areas
- The AAY households- to avail cash equivalent of 35kg rice.
- The other priority households- to avail cash equivalent of 5kg rice per person.
- For a family of five- to avail Rs. 600 per month directed to the head of the family’s bank account.
- Jandhan, Aadhar and Mobile to be used for delivery of citizen services.
- E-office be made functional this financial year for paperless working.
- Creation of a portal for online registration for examinations.
- A Computerized human resource management system be made operational for all government employees.
- Computerization of treasuries.
- Expansion of optical fiber connectivity within the state.
- Stipends, Scholarships, Pensions and Salaries of SSA, RUSA, RMSA teachers paid on direct benefit transfer mode directly into their bank accounts.
- CPGRAMS; a public grievance redress portal
- Public Procurement Portal for E tender by departments beyond Rs 1crore.
- Zero interest crop loans.
- A State level Agriculture Information Hub cum Farmer’s Hostel in Naharlagun.
- A MoU signed between the State Government and The Spices Board of India to establish Auction Centers for farmers at Kimin and Namsai. (Rs. 2 crores)
- 37 ATMs installation by the Apex Bank in partnership with NABARD and RBI.
Distribution of 10,000 Kisan Credit Cards and 40,000 RuPay cards to the Jandhan account holders. (Rs. 3 crores) - Weaning away the poppy growers to alternative cash crops. (Rs. 20 crores)
- 11,000 hectares to be covered under irrigation by the Water Resources Department availing the CSS-PMKSY. (Rs. 280 crores)
- For various livestock and dairy activities, apart from the 33% subsidy by the GOI, the State Government to provide back ended capital subsidy of 25%.
- Smart classrooms in each Secondary and Higher Secondary classrooms.
- Operationalization of State University, Pasighat.
- Commencing establishment of the first Engineering College at Toru, Papumpare District.
- Degree College in Tawang.
- Operation of Law College, Jote.
- Introducing Science stream and construction of Science block at DP College, Kamki.
- Education Hub at Tezu.
- TomoRiba State Medical College commencing classes from the academic year 2018-19.
- Three Employability Centersand a Paramedical Training College on PPP mode.
- Chief Minister’s Adarsh Gram Yojana to allocate money to each DC for focused development activities in 1 village per circle.
- Rurban scheme- Tuting is being developed as a rural cluster with urban amenities and Nafra cluster will be taken up for implementation.
- Rural houses will be built under Pradhan Mantra Awas Yojana.
- PHE to cover additional 200 habitations for drinking water supply this year.
- Apportion 10% of state’s own tax revenue to intermediate levels of Panchayats, which will be then divided into 70:30 basis between the Zilla Panchayat and Aanchal Samiti.
- Rural Road construction works undertaken across the state under PradhanMantriGraminSadakYojana.
- Provision of monetary support for construction of household latrines by the department of PHE.
- Establishment of Skill University.
- Chief Minister’s Bunkar Yojana for proposed 3000 women engaged in weaving to provide interest subsidy of 7% on working capital loan under MUDRA scheme up to 2 lakhs.
- Administering a Chief Minister’s Swalamban Yojana to encourage local entrepreneurship- a back-ended 30% capital investment subsidy will be provided for small and medium enterprises on loans ranging from Rs. 10 lakhs to Rs 1 crore. Women entrepreneurs are additionally eligible for obtaining an interest subsidy of 5 % on loans.These schemes are applicable for these following sectors:
- Value Addition in agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry and fisheries sector.
- Tourism Development.
- Traditional textile weaving.
- Meeting the urgent infrastructure requirements for the recently carved districts- KraDadi, Siang, Lower Siang, Namsai and Longding.
- To develop Pasighat, Tezu and Bomdila as Regional Growth Centers with educational, healthcare, skilling and employment generation facilities and serve as economic growth hubs.
- Socio-economic development of the DOTCL. (Rs. 50 crores)
- Chief Minister’s District Innovation and Challenge Fund.
- Working to declare Tawang, west Kameng, East Kameng, Tirap, Changlang, Lohit, West Siang and Lower Subansiri as open defecation free districts.
- Special package including construction/up gradation of 20 police stations to strengthen the security apparatus in the insurgency prone districts of Tirap, Changlang and Longding.
- Completion of various District Secretariat Buildings.
- Introduction of Chief Minister’s Employee Housing Scheme- provision to avail bank loan of Rs. 30 lakhs and will get an interest subsidy of 4%.
- Enhancement of wages of contingency workers increase of Rs. 1000 per month.
- Timelines to be fixed for each department to complete all pending promotions within next 6 months.
- For government employees afflicted by critical illness, provision of medical reimbursement on actual expenses from a list of empaneled hospitals is proposed.
- Increment in honorarium of Anganwadi workers to Rs 4500 per month and Anganwadi helpers to Rs. 3000 per month.
- Construction of flats for senior government servants at Itanagar. (Rs 30 crores)
- ASHA workers – matching incentive honorarium.
- Decision to equate salary of RMSA teachers with those of SSA.
- Construction of shopping complex for unemployed women at Longding.
- Women hostel, Dirang.
- Girls hostel, Poma.
- Chief Minister’s Bunkar Yojana for proposed 3000 women engaged in weaving to provide interest subsidy of 7% on working capital loan under MUDRA scheme up to 2 lakhs
- Dulari KanyaYojana- fixed deposit of Rs. 20,000 on the birth of a girl child.
- 21 women police stations in all DistrictHeadquarters
- Toll free women helpline-181.
- Deploy independent agency for ranking schools and evaluating teaching quality in all primary and upper primary schools. (Rs. 1 crore)
- Computer aided learning smart classroom to cover 1500 classrooms under Chief Minister’s Adhunik Shiksha Yojana. (Rs. 30 crores)
- Completion of VKV Longding and commencing classes at VKV Mukto. (Rs. 12)
- RK Mission to establish a residential school at Lumdung in East Kameng District. (Rs. 15 crores corpus fund & Rs. 16 crores outlay)
- State University, Pasighat. (Rs. 10 crores)
- Up grading the infrastructure, JN College, Pasighat. (Rs. 10 crores)
- Girls College at Poma, Papumpare District. (Rs. 5 crores)
- Commencing work for establishing the first Engineering College at Toru, Papumpare District. (Rs. 10 crores)
- Degree College in Tawang. (Rs. 10 crores)
- Law College, Jote to be made operational. (Rs. 2 crores)
- Construction of Science block, DP College, Kamki (Rs. 4 crores). Commencement of science stream in Degree College, Khonsa & Greenfield Science College, Namsai. (Rs. 4 crores)
- Education Hub at Tezu- Degree College, Hotel management Institute, College of Architecture, Institute of Smart Governance and Polytechnic. (Rs. 2 crores)
- Completion of Tomo Riba State Medical College and commencing classes from the academic year 2018-19. (Rs. 45 crores)
- Ekalavya Schools to be opened at Medo in Lohit district and Tirbin in West Siang district. (60 crores)
- A digital x-ray and high quality ultrasound facility to be made operational under CSR initiative of Samsung in Tomo Riba State Hospital.
- Free Chemotherapy for APST cancer patients (Rs 3 crores)
- A tertiary care cancer treatment center to be operational at Tomo Riba State Hospital.
- Installation of CT Scan machines at Naharlagun and Pasighat. (Rs. 15 crores)
- Modernizing of existing Drug de-addiction Centers at Pasighat, Tezu, Namsai, Changlang, Papum Pare, establish a new drug de-addiction Center at Khonsa. (Rs. 10 crores)
- Completion of the hospital infrastructure and recruitment of new faculty for the Medical College. (Rs. 45 crores)
- 5 Zonal General Hospitals will be upgraded- Bomdila, Tezu, Ziro, Aalo and Khonsa. (Rs. 25 crores)
- Two new Blood Bank centers at Roing and Bomdila next year.
- Special Clinics for the elderly in each District Hospitals.
- 15 Dialysis machines in District Hospitals.
- Proposal to launch a revamped Health Insurance scheme.
- For Government employees afflicted by critical illness, provision of medical reimbursement on actual expenses from a list of empaneled hospitals is proposed.
- Enhanced old age pension to Rs. 1500 per month (60-79 years) and Rs. 2000 per month (above 80 years).
- Disabled pension enhanced to Rs. 2000 per month.
- Enhanced Widow Pension to Rs. 2000 per month.
- Integrated Child Protection Scheme: 6 new Juvenile Homes proposed to be constructed at Aalo, Bomdila, Changlang, Tezu, Roing and Yupia. (Rs. 22.79 crores)
- One Stop Centers for women in distress in Itanagar and Pasighat.
- 200 habitations to be covered for drinking water supply under the National Rural Drinking Water Program. (Rs. 100 crores)
- Rural Arunachal to become open defecation free by 2018.
- Additional supplement of Rs. 8000 per toilet to the GOI provision of Rs. 12,000 individual household toilet in rural areas.
- Tawang, West Kameng, East Kameng, Tirap, Changlang, Lohit, West Siang and Lower Subansiri as open defecation free districts.
- Construction of 36,000 new and defunct individual household latrines, 711 community toilets and 700 solid-liquid waste management system under Swachh Bharat Mission. (Rs. 100 crores)
- Water supply schemes in Sagalee, Khonsa, Boleng, Tali, Chiyangtajo, Yingkiong and Hayuliang. (Rs. 15 crores)
- AMRUT Scheme- Improvement of water supply, sewerage and storm water drainage in Itanagar. (Rs. 46 crores)
- A Skill University, three Employability Centers and a Paramedical Training Collegeto be set up in Arunachal under PPP mode. (Rs. 5 crores)
- 4 ITI’s will b made operational- Sagalee, Ziro, Kanubari, Pangin (Rs. 28 crores)
- Model ITI to be established at Yupia.
- 9000 youth to be trained under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikash Yojana with 70 % employment guarantee, (24 crores)
- Chief Minister’s Swalamban Yojana to encourage local entrepreneurship with an aim of providing loans to at least 1500 young entrepreneurs. (Rs. 150 crores)
- 30% capital subsidy for Loans up to Rs 1 crore.
- 5% interest subsidy for women entrepreneurs.
- For tourism, Traditional textiles, Value addition in Agriculture and allied activities, Manufacturing.
- Government to create at least 3000 new Government jobs including the vacancies in the newly created districts.
- Chief Minister’s Bunkar Yojana for proposes 7% interest subsidy on working capital loan under MUDRA scheme up to 2 lakhs to 3000 women engaged in weaving.
- Film and Television Institute to start at Itanagar : short term film courses for students who are class 12 pass
- Convention Center at Itanagar. (Rs. 24crores)
- Department of Youth Affairs for conducting various Youth Activities. (Rs. 3crores)
- NIMAS to create 3-4 sub centers to enhance adventure tourism of the state. (Rs. 300 crores)
- Outdoor stadiums at Pasighat, Yupia and Daporijo (48 crores)
- For youth who qualify at NIS Patiala, incentives including honorarium.
- Construction of viewing gallery and artificial turf at Rajiv Gandhi Stadium, Naharalgun (Rs. 15 crore)
- Self sufficiency in food grains by 2020
- Land terracing in food deficit areas. (Rs.10 crores)
- Chief Minister’s Mission Organic for production of organic inputs in Government farms’ supplementing the CSS ‘Mission Organic Value Chain Development’. (Rs. 2 crores)
- Four Tea and Rubber nurseries to be under technical supervision of Agriculture Department. (Rs. 10 crores)
- Zero interest crop loans. 7500 farmers to be covered. (Rs. 3 crores)
- A NABARD financed micro level planning with database evolved through Satellite Imagery.
- A State level Agriculture Information Hub cum Farmer’s Hostel in Naharlagun. (Rs. 5 crores)
- Chief Minister’s Flagship Programme on Agri-Mechanization. (Rs. 10 crores)
- One time Corpus Fund to State Horticulture Research and Development Institute. (Rs. 5 crores)
- 4 new nurseries:
Temperate crops at Ziro, Sub-Tropical crops at Basar, Tropical crops at Namsai and Medicinal Plants at Tawang. (Rs. 2 crores) - Registering 8 indigenous crops under the Geographical Indication Registration. (Rs. 50 lakhs)
- A MoU signed between the State Government and The Spices Board of India to establish Auction Centers for farmers at Kimin and Namsai. (Rs. 2 crores)
- Chief Minister’s White Revolution Program to establish an integrated Dairy Development Project in Lohit District. (Rs. 5 crores)
- Agriculture mandis to be established by STATE AGRICULTURAL MARKETING BOARD
- Various schemes and missions under the Department of Animal Husbandry. (Rs. 25.2crores)
- The Blue Revolution Scheme. (Rs. 6 crores)
- Milk Processing Plants at Rupa and Pasighat.
- Pig Breeding Farm at Ziro and Palin.
- Central Hatchery will be commissioned at Nirjuli.
- District Cattle Breeding Farm at Aalo.
- Infrastructure works under the Integrated Cooperative Development Project. (Rs. 3.82 crores)
- 37 ATMs installation by the Apex Bank in partnership with NABARD and RBI.
Distribution of 10,000 Kisan Credit Cards and 40,000 RuPay cards to the Jandhan account holders. (Rs. 3 crores) - Integrated Dairy Development Project in partnership with NDDP.
- For various livestock and dairy activities, apart from the 33% subsidy by the GOI, the State Government to provide back ended capital subsidy of 25%. (Rs. 5 crores)
- Weaning away the poppy growers to alternative cash crops. (Rs. 20 crores)
- 11,000 hectares to be covered under irrigation by the Water Resources Department availing the CSS-PMKSY. (Rs. 25crores)
- 10 ongoing projects to be completed by the WRD under CSS- Flood Management Program. (Rs. 29.60 crores)
- In our endeavor to become a contributor to the “Make in India” initiative, we will take concrete measures to attract private investments and roll out a new Industrial Policy 2017.
- Development of new Industrial estates in the foothill Districts with NABARD’s assistance of Rs. 15 crores.
- A Foodnpark at Tippi to be developed with a common infrastructure facilities for investors including packaging, storage and processing. (Rs. 10 crores)
- Liberalization of land laws- to allow long-term leases.
- Solid waste management facility at Basar and Bomdila.
- Convention Center at Itanagar.
- 576 houses for migrant labor at Chimpu.
- 320 houses for economically weaker section at Dirang.
- 384 houses for economically weaker sections at Bomdila.
- 256 EWS houses at Palin.
- LED based street lighting at Itanagar, Naharlagun and Tawang. (Rs. 60 crores)
- Construction of flats for senior government servants at capital complex under UD. (Rs. 30crores)
- Housing complex of MLAs at Chimpu (Rs. 40 crores)
- Completion of the Convention Centre at Itanagar.
- The Urban Development Department is currently construction 384 houses for economically weaker sections at Bomdila and 256 houses at Palin.
- Subsidy of 1.5 lakh for the construction of houses for the poor under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana.
- Hiring professional architects to create an inventory of projects in the key urban centers by the Town Planning department. (Rs. 2 crores)
- Commissioning the 600 MW Kameng Hydel Project and 110 MW Pare Hydel project that will nearly triple the generation capacity.
- Comprehensive restructuring of Hydropower Department.
- Electrification of 1500 villages both on the grid mode and decentralized solar energy under Deendayal Upadhyay Gramjyoti Yojana. (Rs. 300 crores)
- Improvement of urban electrification infrastructure covering 9 towns under IPDS Program. (Rs. 150 crores)
- Chief Minister’s Energy Conservation Scheme by APEDA providing subsidy for installation of LED bulbs. (Rs. 1.5 crores)
- Execution comprehensive transmission scheme by The Power Grid Corporation of India. (Rs. 3200 crores)
- A separate Transmission Company to function as state transmission utility.
- Commissioning of Aalo-Pasighat transmission line and Itanagar-Hoj transmission line.
- Street lighting facility within the capital complex on a PPP. (Rs. 60 crores)
- New Arunachal Bhavans to be constructed at New Delhi (Rs. 30 crores)
- New Arunachal Bhavan at Guwahati (10 crores)
- Chief Minister’s District Innovation and Challenge Fund. (Rs. 100 crores)
- Completion of various District Secretariat Buildings under PWD. (Rs. 50 crores)
- Pradhan Mantri Gramin Sadak Yojana- covering 1000 kilometers of rural roads. (Rs. 980 crores)
- Under the Highway program of the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, GOI, total length of 2570.82 kilometers of National Highways/ State Roads is implemented of which PWD is executing 16 packages. (Rs. 50,000 crores)
- Alignment of Arunachal Frontier Highway from Dirang to Vijaynagar adjacent to the international border with China.
- Revival of the East-West Industrial corridor from Bhairabkund to Ruksin, 431km, by PWD. (Rs. 18 crores)
- Union sanction of survey for 300 kilometers new Railway lines.
- Chief Minister’s Air Connectivity Scheme. (Rs. 5 crores)
- Interstate bus terminus at Lekhi Village. (Rs. 10 crores).
- Construction of civilian terminus at ALGs. (5 crores)
- Chief Minister’s Adarsh Gram Yojana- money will be allocated to each DC for focused development activities in 1 village per circle. (Rs. 93 crores)
- MG NREGA. (Rs. 270 crores)
- Under RURBAN Mission, Tuting is being developed as a rural cluster with urban amenities and Nafra cluster will be taken up for implementation. (Rs. 5 crores)
- Pradhan Mantra AwasYojana. (Rs. 65 crores)
- Apportion 50 crores to intermediate levels of Panchayats- to be then divided into 30:70 basis between the Zilla Panchayat bodies and Aanchal Samiti.
- Rural roads under PMGSY- 1000 kms of roads to be taken up (Rs. 450 crores)
- 17,000 women to be organized into self-help groups and training across 15 rural-blocks under State Rural Livelihood Mission.
- Swadesh Darshan Scheme, GOI. (Rs. 97 crores)
- State Tourism Society for launching a National Branding Campaign across all mediums-electronic, digital and print to reach out to the eclectic traveler and aware them of the opportunities for investment, eco-tourism and adventure . (Corpus fund of Rs. 30 crores)
- Eco-tourism resort at Tawang and Ziro. (Rs. 2 crores)
- Development of Mehchuka as a model tourist town on a pilot basis by hiring world-class urban planners. (Rs. 5 crores)
- Carrying out audio visual and documentary research of the living heritage of the tribes of Arunachal Pradesh and capture the oral traditions, customary laws and unique socio-culture practices by the Research Department. (Rs. 5 crores)
- Establishing a heritage village at Itanagar. (Rs. 10 crores)
- Chief Minister’s Tribal Development Advisory Council.
- Promotion of Hindi language. 1 crore
- Modernization of police force including communication equipment, security equipment, traffic equipment, weapons and forensic equipment.
- 21 Women Police stations in all District Headquarters with a toll free number 1091.
- Toll free women helpline 181 run by the Department of Women and Child Development.
- Enhancement of Ration money for Police Personnel from Rs.300 to Rs. 1000.
- 56 new posts for traffic police.
- Improvement of traffic management in capital complex. (Rs. 110 lakhs)
- Special package including construction/up gradation of 20 police stations to strengthen the security apparatus in the insurgency prone districts of Tirap, Changlang and Longding. (Rs. 156.20 crores)
- Vacancies of 2203 posts in Arunachal Pradesh Police to be filled this year.
- Police housing infrastructure (20 crores)
- A blueprint has been prepared to upgrade the Police Training Center for specialized training. (Rs. 5 crores)
- Augmentation of UTP cells at Chowkham and Seppa. (Rs. 2 crores)
- Fire fighting equipment. (Rs. 5 crores)
- Jandhan, Aadhar and Mobile to be used for delivery of citizen services.
- E-office be made functional this financial year for paperless working.
- Creation of a portal for online registration for examinations.
- A Computerized human resource management systembe made operational for all government employees.
- Computerization of treasuries.
- Expansion of optical fiber connectivity within the state.
- Stipends, Scholarships, Pensions and Salaries of SSA, RUSA, RMSA teachers paid on direct benefit transfer mode directly into their bank accounts.
- All major citizen services will be provided online.
- CPGRAMS; a public grievance redress portal
- Public Procurement Portal for e-tenderby departments beyond Rs 1 crore.