Arunachal Pradesh State Women Commission’s Team Visit Longding

LONGDING- A Team of Arunachal Pradesh State Women Commission consisting of Nabam Yath Tad Vice Chairperson, Mabi Taipodia Jini, Member Secretary, Komna Moidam visited Longding on a two day tour on 9th October 2022.
On 9th October 2022 an awareness workshop was held at kanubari in collaboration with the district administration and supported by the Chazan SHG of Kanubari.
Techu Aran ADC Kanubari While speaking at the occasion commended Hope Foundation and the self-help groups for successful conduct of the legal Awareness. He point out that “All women are sitting in the back row since it is engraved in our mindset that women should be behind men.Women must come forward and men and women must participate in such programme especially for women to know their rights”. He said though There is very less crime as compared to other places still emphasized that Women should know their legal rights it will enable and encourage women to be more empowered.
Nabam Yahi Tad Vice chairperson Chief Guest of the program Thanked everyone for attending the programme inspite of the day being a holy day, Sunday. She urged women not to perceive themselves as inferior and shy away from positive participation. Speaking on drug menace “women should be active, the problems like drugs menace can be controlled effectively if women participate actively against it” she said. She discouraged child marriage and urged the everyone to give importance to the education of their children to make them self-reliant and empowered. She also inform that “APSCW have supported the proposal for increasing the marriage age of girls to 21 from 18 years”.
Speaking on trafficking She requested all the stakeholders specially the parents and GBs to be very vigilant on recruitment of young girls as domestic help in pretext of job opportunity to prevent human trafficking and save girls and children from being exploited “Skill development and encouragement of local products and local entrepreneurship is very important to ensure economic empowerment she added.
On 10th October 2022 at Longding HQ APSCW conducted capacity building and training program on Anti Human Trafficking Unit (AHTU). Resource person Mabi Taipodia Jini and Komna Moidan discussed the various nuances of the Human Trafficking and they presented power points on the role responsibilities and functions of various stakeholders of the AHTU. Th program was attended by Mirpe Tato ADC, Administrative officers, HODs, Police personels, Members of DCPU, One stop centre, Women Groups, CBOs and NGOs and other officials.