
Arunachal: NES adopted Raga Higher Secondary School in Kamle dist

A school management cum coordination and monitoring committee constituted on the occasion under the chairmanship of Dr Kapu Sopin.


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Nyishi Elite Society (NES) the apex Community based organisation of Nyishi community today adopted Raga Higher Secondary School in Kamle district under it’s School Adoption programme in Nyishi dominated area of the state.

Addressing the launching ceremony NES President Bengia Tolum said that Nyishi is termed to be a communal which is totally false and wrong as NES is always fighting for the cause of the Nyishi tribe and its right and privilege which is much needed for development in compare to other tribes of state.

Tolum said that ‘ when ever you got opportunity please shoulder responsibility and do something for the upliftment and welfare of people and Nyishi tribe’.

School adoption does not mean that NES will provide fund but it is a motivation that all stake holders and administration come together and work for the development of the said school and work for the progress of education sector in Nyishi community in particular and state in general.

Terming the future of society in education, “Tolum appeal all stakeholders to come together and work in close relation for the development of education sector and also work to make the society clean”.

“He also appeal all land owners of TAH to remain alert and cooperate with administration as road is one of the most important component of development of area and the society”.

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He requested MLA to sit together with intellectuals of the district in every quarterly for future development and strengthening of relationship, peace and prosperity.

Local MLA Tarin Dakpe lauded the activities of NES in transformation of the Nyishi community at present stage. Creation of Kamle district is also a great achievement of the people of the area and the nurturing of the young district is a great responsibility of the people of district as well as NES. ‘I shall not discriminate anyone but everyone irrespective of any political affiliation should support and extend support for development of Kamle district’, Dakpe said.

He said that the education scenario of state is very bad and it would only improve if all stake holders join hands together. He inform that the furniture and other urgent requirement of Girls hostel fund have been made available this year and urge upon Alumni Association to procure all furniture etc.

He emphasis of Inter village School where several schools are defunct and not functioning which will encourage the education at lower level. He further said that he will try for construction of boys hostel for which proposal would be submitted to education department and government in all seven HSS in his Raga assembly constituency.

He said a provision of 15 crore have been kept by the state government and we will prepare for a model district and we are also planning to raise the issue for a model district HQ of Kamle alongwith other four new districts of state.

He inform that the Re-assessment of TAH will began from October 10 from Lower Subansiri and Upper Subansiri district and appeal the all owners and other to cooperate and not to create hindrance in the assessment so that the work progress of the TAH in Kamle district is completely smoothly for a smooth drive etc.

NES General Secretary Heri Maring in his address said that we will continue to show good path to the younger generation and they need to follow the footprint of the seniors for the all round development. He said the NES till today adopted seven school in all seven district dominated by Nyishi community which staretd from Lower Subansiri, Pakke Pekkang, East Kameng, Papum Pare, Kurung Kumey, Kra Daadi and today at Kamle.

He urge upon all stake holders/parents to guide their children and ward to stay away from the clutch of drug which is damaging the future of the youths and society. He requested the DC to constitute an anti-drug squad headed by a Magistrate and take strict action against all involved in the spreading of drug menace and peddling.

Kamle DC M Loyi lauded NES for the programme and assured full support of the district administration in all round development and development of education sector and appeal the people to keep the sanctity of temple of learning.  Raga HSS Alumni Association President Rotom Tebin,

Raga HSS Upgarded from Secondary to HSS in 1989 and established in 1968 was one of the centre of the learning for a big area once upon a time and now adopted by the NES which may go logway to get its opportunity and due share for its future development and progress in education arena of state..

The dignitaries also laid foundation stone for construction of administrative block being constructed by Alumni Association of the school.

A school management cum coordination and monitoring committee constituted on the occasion under the chairmanship of Dr Kapu Sopin.

Former MLA Boa Tamo, Deputy Commissioner M Loyi, executive Member of ANSU led by General Secretary Tukbom LIgu, ANYA team led by General Secretary Dr Bengia Tada, HSS Incharge N Negi, HoDs of Kamele district administration, former PRI members and leaders from various political party, faculty, students and their parents among other were present on the occasion.


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