Kokrajhar- Three Day Baokhungri festival Begins

By Kanak Chandra Boro
In the eve of Rangjali Bwisagu, the long 5th’ Baukhungri festival’ was kick-started today at Harinaguri in Kokrajhar with a 3-days colorful programmes. BTC Deputy Chief Kampa Borgoyari, who is in-charge of forest and tourism department, inaugurated the festival in presence of huge gathering of public and dignitaries including from neighbouring Bhutan. Various programmes like cultural show, ethnic food festival, trekking, and indigenous sports etc, will be held during these 3-days. Besides the trekking at the Baukhungri hill, adventure sports, cultural programmes, the visitors can taste mouth-watering ethnic cuisine.
Celebrated traditionally as ‘Baukhungri Hajw gakhwnai’ or climbing of Baukhungri hill by the Bodo people on the auspicious day of Sankranti, a day before Bwisagu or Bihu (eve of Bengali New Year day), the Tourism department, BTC has taken up to celebrate the traditionally customs as annual ‘Baukhungri festival’ since the last five year in a grand way, by introducing various programmes and adventitious sports to attract tourists from outside.
Though it was celebrated by the Bodos in a traditional way in earlier times, in present times, thousands of people, irrespective of caste, creed and religions, thronged and climbed the Baukhungri peak with festivity mood for welcoming the Bwisagu festival. Bogoyari, who is also in-charge Tourism in BTC said “the festival is being taken u by the BTC since the last five years and celebrated in a systematic and organized way”. Borgoyari said the festival is getting attention and attracting huge tourists.