PM Modi Conducts Video Conference on ‘ New India-Manthan’

The Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi interacted with all the Chief Secretaries, Commissioners, Secretaries and District Collectors/ Deputy Commissioners of all the States and Union Territories through a video conferencing on 9th August which coincided with 75th Anniversary of Quit India Movement.
Pm Modi said that the 9th August was a day of sacrifice, perseverance and human endurance. While recalling the great sacrifices made by the youth during the Quit India Movement, the Prime Minister said that no force on earth could cow down the determined youth who have a mission to accomplish and asked the youth of the country to spare no effort in building a strong and vibrant India.
Modi emphatically said that by 2022 India would scale new height of unprecedented development in all spheres and urged the countrymen, especially the youth to travel the proverbial extra mile to achieve India’s cherished goal of all round prosperity and progress.
The Prime Minister asked the officers working in the States and the districts to ensure that all the benefit of all government schemes percolated down to the poorest of the poor of the country. He lamented that in some states and districts the beneficial schemes meant for the targeted sections of the society were not reaching to them.
He told the officials serving at the grassroot levels to work doubly hard to execute the government schemes with utmost sincerity adding that there should be a healthy competition amongst the officials in the districts. While speaking eloquently about the benefits of the New India-Manthan, the Prime Minister said that a website in the name of newindia. in has been launched through which one could access to any subject relating to development.
He urged the officials of GoI and the states and the districts to work in close coordination in order to make the various schemes successful and also change the economic status of the country for the better.
Earlier, a senior official from the GoI while interacting with the Chief Secretaries, Commissioners, Secretaries and District Collectors of all the States and Union Territories of India said that the focus was mainly on GST, Digital Transactions, Linkage in Bank Accounts, Education and Health Sectors and other important development areas.
He said that a proper working coordination between the official of GoI and the States was of paramount importance for the success of the developments programmes. He underscored the importance of the role of the districts collector in the state in executing the schemes efficiently.
Some Chief Secretaries representing a few states of the country while interacting with the central government officials highlighted the scopes ad challenges in the state vis-à-vis development and appreciated the GoI for introducing the New India-Manthan which would go a long way to bridge the gap between the centre and the states.
The Principal Secretary Satya Gopal, Commissioners and Secretaries of Arunachal Pradesh actively participated in the interactive video conference which was held at the Chief Secretary’s Conference Hall.