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NF Railway Observes World Environment Day


World Environment Day was celebrated at N.F.Railway HQ today in a befitting manner. In pursuance to Indian Railways commitment towards a greener nation, aforestation work is under progress in various locations.

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In this connection, General Manager, N.F.Railway Chahatey Ram alongwith other senior officers today planted tree saplings at the N.F.Railway Central Hospital, Maligaon.

The saplings include Rain tree and Asoka trees. It may be mentioned here that more than 40600 hectare of railway land is already under aforestation and about 7 million saplings are planted every year. The General Manager and other senior officer also visited railway colony and laid stress upon cleanliness as part of the “Swachh Rail Swachh Bharat” mission of Indian Railways.

A seminar was also held at the N.F.Railway HQ in this regard where discussions were held about using energy efficient locomotives and use of bio-diesel for running locomotives. Indian Railway is planning to source upto 10% of its energy requirement from renewable energy sources. It may be mentioned here that Indian Railway is 12 times more energy efficient in freight traffic in comparison to roadways.

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