The problem is still same, any day you can see the animals are still roaming on the streets, people disregards the govt order.
By Manoj Singh
Several time we have published the report of the domestic animals roaming here and there on NH-415 and other sector roads in capital complex is one of the cause of increase accident in and around capital complex .
The Itanagar district Magistrate have issued an executive Order vide DM/CC/01/2017 on February 7 2018 in this connection so that that such or any dangerous animals should be destroyed, confined or otherwise disposed of which are creating lots of problems and nuisance as well as danger for free flow of the traffic movement.
But it seems that only order have been issued and action is only for an eyewash. The problem is still the same, any day you can see the animals are still roaming on the streets, people disregards the govt order and the order never got implemented .
Banning on loitering of stray animals in capital complex and is another example. Everyday several herd of cattle, pigs, dogs, mithun and other animals observed freely moving on the arterial roads as well as National Highway and are source of several accidents and disturbances as well as traffic jam on the road.
They said that the present Deputy Commissioner of Capital Complex Prince Dhawan and Papum Pare Dr. Joram Beda is young enough and can understand the inconveniences being faced on the highway and may take strict action.
They ensure that the order passed by them are properly implemented on the ground for the safety and security and in the greater interest of the public service under their jurisdiction.