Aftermath Surgical strikes in POK- Border Villages Evacuated, Nationwide Alert

New Delhi
Tensions are running high in the aftermath of India’s surgical strikes against terrorists targets in POK as pre-war rhetoric is becoming louder on both sides of the border. As a result, a nationwide high alert has been declared and security forces have been advised to maintain vigil.
According to reports, Rajasthan’ Badmer, Bikaner and Shri Ganganagar districts situated adjacent to the Indo-Pak international border have been completely sealed off and villages close to the border have been evacuated in anticipation of any conflict.
SSB is also keeping vigil across the border as Pakistani tanks are constantly prowling around on the other side of the border. Border security forces have been on alert since a week now and are regularly conducting patrols almost 24 hours a day.
Civilians have also been advised to stay alert. District administration in districts close to India’s western frontier with Pakistan have imposed section-144 and have cancelled the vacations of every government employee in their respective districts and have instructed them to stay in the district headquarters until further notice.
Meanwhile, a curfew has been imposed on a village close to the Indo-Pak border in Jaisalmer. People have been advised to stay alert and report security forces anything suspicious immediately. Security forces have also launched search operations in villages close to the Indo-Pak border with assistance from local police.