Arunachal: ABKYW meets CM Khandu for upgradation of Drug De-addiction/rehab centre Pasighat

PASIGHAT (By- Maksam Tayeng )- The executive members of Adi Baane Kebang Youth Wing ( ABKYW ) , the youth force of Adi Baane Kebang, (apex & appellate body of Adi tribes) led by President, Joluk Minung today met state’s Chief Minister, Pema Khandu and reminded the government for sanctioning of funds for increasing of 10 bedded Drug De-addiction/rehab centre, Pasighat to 50 bedded centre, upgradation of Judicial jail, creation of Pasighat Traffic Warden and installation of ILS at ALG Pasighat.
The youth wing while reminding the state government about the memorandum submitted on 27th May 2021 vide Memo No. ABKYW/A-1/167-71, urged CM Pema Khandu to grant funds for upgradation/increasing the existing 10 bedded Drug-Deaddiction/Rehabilitation Centre, Pasighat to 50 bedded Rehab centre citing the rush and long wait list of drug addict youths to be admitted in the centre. The ABKYW also urged Khandu for priority grant of funds for upgradation of Judicial jail Pasighat, creation of Pasighat Traffic Warden and installation of Instrument Landing System (ILS) at Advance Landing Ground, Pasighat.
While judicial jail Pasighat is not sufficient enough to lodge more arrested criminals, drug abuse cases etc as all cells are locked with excess numbers of UTPs, the upgradation of the jail would be helpful in lodging more UTPs. Due to shortages of cells more arrests can’t be made and lodged in jail due to which anti social activities are rising in the district. The introduction of Pasighat Traffic Warden at the lines of Itanagar Traffic Warden would also lessen the burden of traffic issues in Pasighat, reasoned ABKYW to Khandu.
Meanwhile, CM Pema Khandu said that all the proposals made by the youth wing have been acknowledged seriously and will be discussed in the next assembly session. He also said that necessary action on issues highlighted in the memorandum has already been taken up by the concern department.
It is worth adding here that, Drug De-Addiction Centre, Pasighat which is said to be the best functioning rehab centre of the state for drug abuse victim youths needs urgent funds for increasing the bed capacity including construction of staff quarters, guard room and yoga centre. Dr. Oson Borang, nodal officer of the rehab centre said that the wait list for enrolling into the centre as of today is around 80 whereas only 10 youths can be accommodated at present.
“The grant of funds as submitted by team Women Against Social Evils (WASE) during CM’s 3rd April visit to Pasighat, if sanctioned, would be helpful for the management of drug rehab centres. We are thankful to WASE, ABKYW and ABK for coming in support of the management of rehab centre for increasing the capacity and functioning of the centre as countless youths are falling prey to drug addiction today and their treatment is priority to save the future of the state”, added Dr. Borang who is dedicatedly and sincerely managing the centre.