Arunachal: 18 days long football tournament in Bomdila concludes

West kameng District football Association has organised 18 days long ( 13th June to 1st July 2018) first ever District level under 17 years football tournament at Buddha Stadium Bomdila, Arunachal Pradesh.
In this tournament about ten teams were participated they 1. Dirang FC, 2. Dreams XI 3. Winning XI 4. Namsu FC 5. Singchung FC 6. JNV FC 7. Rupa FC 8. Rising
Hrusso 9. Bulls FC and 10. Aka XI.
Final match of the tournament was played between Aka XI and Dreams XI, Dreams XI had scored 4 goals and Aka XI had scored 3 goals, Dreams XI won the tournament.
Hero of the final match and man of the tournament was awarded to wanchu khangriju of dreams XI FC who had scored 14 goals in the tournament.
Best players awarded to Rigen Khunjuju of dreams XI FC, best goalkeeper awarded to Rinchin Khandu Singchaji of Rupa FC, and best discipline team was awarded to winning Xi.
Former President All Sajolang Elite Society Er. Aju Khunjuju, Assistant Gen. Secy Aka Elite Society Er. Bony Sakrinsow and Superintendent of police ( IPS) west kameng District Raja Banthia graced the occasion as Chief guest, Guest of honour and special guest respectively in presence of about 2500 spectators.
Speaking on this event as chief guest former President All Sajolang Elite Society Er. Aju Khunjuju encourage to the young players to play excellently and represent at state level, advice to the players to maintain sportsman spirit further he said that due to sports players are interacted each other.
Assistant Gen. Secy Aka Elite Society Er. Bony Sakrinsow as Guest of honour on his address said that due to Sports we keep our body fit and healthy so keep playing sports, further he said that due to sports we learn discipline and it help for future life also.
Superintendent of police ( IPS) west kameng District Raja Banthia witness this event as special guest . On his address he said that this tournament has provided the platforms to young football player of the District to come forward and demonstrate their skills, it is laudable event that has been organised it must be continue in future.