
Arunachal: Man arrested for allegedly raping a minor in Roing

Roing-  The Roing police under Dibang valley district has arrested a man for allegedly raping a minor girl,  further investigation is on. The police sources said.

The police sources said that  Today an  FIR has been registered at Roing Police Station, filled by a father alleging of rape of his 13 year daughter.


Today at around 10 am a man appeared at CCI Nani Maria Home with his 13 years old daughter. After  counselling, the girl disclosed that on 21/06/2020,  she with her younger brother had gone for morning walk, they were abducted by a unknown man who came on a motorcycle, and then took them in a jungle area near Moruk in Gargam village. The police sources said.

After reaching in jungle the man started assaulting the boy and made him  flee. As the boy fled the man then forced himself upon the girl,  and raping her in the jungle, after committing crime, the man left the place and  leaving girl on the crime site.

Meantime, the young boy somehow managed to call attention to himself as he was running as a result of which his parents were informed subsequently leading to the discovery of the girl. The sources informed.

Consequent upon the registration of the case Roing Police has through its efforts not only identified the said accused but have also arrested him by the time the report is being filled.

As per Roing police sources the alleged accused is a local resident of the area and has been arrested from the resident of a relative.

As per police, the alleged accused has been identified after examination of CCTV footage on the area, examination of numerous witnesses and through input received by sources. The sources added.


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