Inspite of rain, landslides, Arunachal Governor PB Acharya Visits Raga

The Governor of Arunachal Pradesh, PB Acharya visited Raga in Lower Subansiri on 27th June 2017. It is the first visit to Raga by any Governor of the State. Inspite of rain, landslides and challenging road condition, the Governor undertook the journey from Itanagar to Raga by road. He took time out to meet government officials and general public and paid surprise visit to a school on the way. He also met the Gaon bura of Tamen at Tamen Inspection Bungalow.
Continuing his effort to reach out to the people in the interior areas of the State, the Governor met people from all walks of life and interacted with them at Raga circuit house.
Recalling his association with the people of the area and Arunachal Pradesh since 1966, the Governor said that the people of the State are the sentinels of the nation and spirit of patriotism is in their blood.
The Governor said that Arunachal Pradesh is blessed with enormous hydropower potential, treasured flora and fauna and horticultural and medicinal plants. He appealed to the people, particularly the graduating students and youth to explore innovative ideas to harness these natural gifts. He advised them not to depend on the government for their every need but to find ways and means to address it. Make individual contributions towards any government project to have the sense of ownership, he added.
The Governor urged upon the people to stand against corruption. He said that each one should follow Prime Minister, Narendra Modi’s intention of ‘Na Kaunga Na Kanedunga’.
Never deprive the rights and entitlements of the poor and children, the Governor said while his pain about food security and mid-day meal programmes.
Interacting with Government officials, the Governor said that educational empowerment should be used for upliftment of the poor and downtrodden. He appealed to them to create awareness on central sponsored schemes like Jan Dhan Yojana, One Rupee insurance, etc. amongst the masses and assist them in availing the benefits.
Involve NGOs and college and university students to reach out to more and more people, Governor suggested.
The Governor called upon the government officials to sponsor children from poorer section of the society in their educational process.
Welcoming the Governor to Raga, the local MLA and Parliamentary Secretary for Veterinary and Animal Husbandry, Tamar Murtem said that it is a historical occasion for the place and people will always remember the visit in times to come. Murtem briefed the Governor of the development activities, potential and challenges of the Raga area.
One of the former wards of ‘My Home India’, a NGO formed by Acharya in 1960s to build bond amongst the people of the metros with the those of strategic border area State of Arunachal Pradesh, Nido Tama requested the Governor for his initiative in expediting the process of creation of proposed Kamala District. He also highlighted the challenges of the people of the area.
One of the Swachh Bharat Mission ambassadors, selected by Acharya, Nido Tama assured his commitment towards clean India. He also appealed to the denizens of the Raga to join him in the mission.
Earlier, on his arrival at Raga, the Governor was accorded a warm traditional reception by the public and government officials of Raga and its neighbouring villages, led by the local MLA and Parliamentary Secretary for Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Tamar Murtem. He was greeted with ‘Jai Hind’ by the Gaon Buras and Ponu dance.