
Arunachal: world veterinary day observed



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The world veterinary day observed at the conference hall of the Arunachal Pradesh legislative Assembly complex today which was attended by several progressive farmer and officers and staffs of Veterinary and Dairy development departmen.

Deputy Chief Minister, Chowna Mein called upon the Veterinarians to gear up and to accelerate the pace of working to achieve sustainable development. He said that with the present pace of working system it will take 100 years to achieve our objective of sustainable development. He was addressing the Officers of Animal Husbandry, Veterinary & Dairy Development at State Legislative Assembly Auditorium on the occasion of World Veterinary Day today.

Mein said that Animals has a significant contribution in the farmer’s economy since the olden days and sought to take up cattle farming in more commercial way citing agriculture and allied sector as the greatest contribution in the GDP. He also emphasized on Research & Development saying, “Research work should go along with the development” .

He urged the young entrepreneurs and the farming community to take advantage of the improved communication scenery of the State for marketing their produces to the outside world and pitched for roping in contract farming with buy back policy for achieving sustainable development through agriculture & allied sectors.

Citing Animal Husbandry, Veterinary and Dairy development as an important part of Agriculture and allied sectors, he said that it will facilitate doubling farmer’s income by 2022 as envisaged by the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi.

Mein informed that the State Govt is giving equal importance to the department and fund of Rs 7.5 Crore has been kept in the Budget 2018-19 for strengthening Dairy Farm in the State. He assured to seek fund for the establishment of State of the Art ‘State Veterinary Hospital’ under NEC/RIDF within this financial year and asked the department to submit the estimate immediately.

He also informed that under Chief Minister’s White Revolution program an integrated dairy development project will be established in Lohit district and will cover six milk production potential districts.

Minister of Animal Husbandry, Veterinary & Dairy Development, Dr Mohesh Chai expressed hope that the celebration of Word Veterinary Day will open a new chapter and urged the officers to come up with new and innovative ideas. He said that Agriculture and Animal husbandry are inter-related and the department can play a vital role in doubling farmer’s income.

Since the meat consumption of the State is quite higher than the national average, he urged to use this parameter to give more emphasize on piggery, poultry and cattle farming to improve farmer’s economy.

Chai pitched for establishment of a State of the Art Veterinary Hospital in the State and also for up gradation of Veterinary Dispensary/Clinic to District Veterinary Hospital. He proposed for allocation of more fund to the department for up gradation of infrastructures infroming that most of it are in dilapidated conditions. He also mooted for adoption of Mithun Conservation Policy citing that the State has the 80% of the World’s Mithun (Bos frontalis) population.

He said that the Arunachal quota for Veterinary Doctor in Central Agriculture University at Imphal was increased from previous 12 seats to 15 seats in the year 2017-18 after he made the request to the Union Minister of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary. He called upon the graduates of Veterinary Medicines to start their own enterprise using technical knowledge and skills instead of waiting for govt jobs which is limited and can accommodate few only.

He also said that the department is committed to bring in White Revolution in the State through Chief Minister’s White Revolution Scheme and informed that apart from Milk Plan at Karsingsa, Milk plan at Pasighat is ready for inauguration by next month and more Milk Plans at Rupa, Tezu and Namsai are coming up.

He urged the officers to select limited beneficiaries under the subsidized schemes of the department and strictly monitor their progress to ensure that the selected beneficiaries are benefitted economically so that their success stories can become an encouragement for others.

Commissioner (Animal Husbandry & Veterinary), G S Meena urged the Veterinarian to ensure that the healthy livestock is maintained as it gives the farmer an alternative source of early income with short gestation period. He also urged to strengthen the extension work and to commit themselves to give awareness and training to at least 10 farmers in a year.

Prominent farmer entrepreneur, Likha Maj  while sharing his experienced proposed for setting up of a Skill Development Centre for livestock rearing, a healthy policy for development for agriculture & allied sectors and for setting up of an Animal Husbandry & Veterinary College or University in the State. He opined that agriculture & allied sectors can only secure the State from its future threat of growing unemployment among the youths.

Prof D Das, former Joint Director of Indian Veterinary & Research Institute and a former Dean spoke on the theme of the day, “The role of the veterinary profession in sustainable development to improve livelihoods, food security and safety”.

Dr N D Minto, Director of AHV & DD, Dr T Taku, President(Arunachal Pradesh Veterinary Association) and Dr M Loyi, General Secretary (APVA) also spoke on the occasion.

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