
Arunachal: Siang wins 2nd prize in 3rd National Water Awards

PASIGHAT ( By- Maksam Tayeng )- The award for the 2nd prize in the category of Best District-North East Zone won by the Siang district of Arunachal Pradesh in the recently held 3rd National Water Awards at New Delhi being organized by Ministry of Jal Shakti, Government of India has proven the dedication and determination of Siang district administration and engineering department of WRD and PHED besides the active participation of people of Siang district including general public, DPYK and ABK etc in conservation of water.

The recognition has been given to Siang district for commendable achievement by the Department of Water Resources (WRD) for the period of 2019 to 2021 in the field of irrigation, water conservation, coordinating water user associations and farmers of the district for creating awareness amongst the people regarding importance of preservation of water.

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The award was received by Atul Tayeng, Dy. Commissioner and Er. Debaang Tayeng, Executive Engineer, Siang district from Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, Union Minister of Jal Shakti, Government of India on Tuesday.

While many old and defunct projects has been rejuvenated and restored, the Water Resources Department (WRD) of Siang district has added more than 400 hectares in the inaccessible hilly district to irrigate with the flagship PMKSY (Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojna) program.

The Water Resources Department has created awareness amongst the people about global warming and has motivated the villagers to plant 6000 tree saplings and the Siang District Administration has successfully coordinated the developmental activities and awareness programs in the district. The department of PHED has sensitized the villages regarding protection of sources of water and imparted training on FTK (field testing kits).

 Awareness programs conducted by the members of indigenous faith believers ‘Donyi Polo Yelam Kebang’ and the apex & appellate body of the Adi tribe ‘Adi Baane Kebang’ regarding self sustainability, has been a guiding light to inspire the villagers to conserve water not only for drinking purposes but also for irrigation and horticultural activities too in the district.

One notable development observed amongst the villagers is their self-reliance in the agricultural and horticultural sector. During the covid-19 pandemic while the rest of the country was bogged down with inactivity, the villagers of Siang district were busy toiling in their lands for more agricultural and horticultural products.

It is really praiseworthy of the different components of the district to come together and work in tandem with each other to achieve a common goal of self-reliance and Siang district deserves to be amongst the best districts of the nation.

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