Roing Town of Arunachal Pradesh on Saturday witnessed a large gathering of public and government servants to participate in The Himalayan Cleanup drive being organised in 12 Himalayan mountain states in the country on a single day, to rid the mountains of plastic waste.
The programme saw a total of 405 members taking part in the cleanup drive.The event featured no plastic and use of eco-friendly material like bamboo mugs for drinking water and jute sacks for collection of waste.
Deputy Commissioner Mitali Namchoom (IAS) recommended for use of jute bags instead of plastic bags. Everyone’s small contribution towards the mission can bring about a real change, she said. Expressing her happiness over the turnout, she said that the event should not just end up as a one time event but the message of ‘beat plastic pollution’ should be practised everyday of our lives.
ADC Cheshta Yadav( IAS) led the pledge taking on the day. Paul Chawang of AAMYA NGO briefed all on the Himalayan Cleanup drive which aims to bring the issue of waste to the forefront, and to understand what is in our waste through a waste and brand audit.
Waste auditing was carried out at DUDA view point, Eze river by the Staff of AMYAA NGO and volunteers of I-Clean Roing. A total of 1552.94 kg of dry waste was collected. Waste was audited into 14 categories and brand audit was done in four main categories namely, All branded plastics, PET bottles, Tetrapak items and multi-layer plastics each of which were counted and weighed and recorded. This exercise of waste and brand auditing has given a hands on experience to the volunteers of I-Clean Roing, to have a better understanding of waste.
In the post audit, the recyclable waste was sold to scrap dealers and the discarded waste was handed over to DUDA for final desposal.
Among the findings through the audit, Litchi fruit drink bottles manufactured by PRAN exports Ltd, Bangladesh was recorded to be the highest in number. Second was Bisleri packaged water bottle manufactured by Vision foods & Beverages and third was non branded plastic items.
In Roing, the clean up was done from the Roing bazaar to Eze river only. The clean up drive was jointly organised by the District Administration, AAMYA NGO, Sustainable Development Forum of Arunachal Pradesh(SDFA), Dibang Devlopment Council Agency (DDCA), I CLEAN ROING, DUDA, PHED, Navayuga and Integrated Mountain Initiative (IMI) Roing.