Arunachal: AMSU conducts 4th GC cum drug awareness programme
The two day general conference cum drug awareness programme of AMSU was held at Motum village

PASIGHAT- All Motum Students Union (AMSU) conducted its 4th general conference on 21st and 22nd January while also conducting a drug awareness programme to make students and youths of Motum to stay away from drug addictions with the theme-unite we can demolish drugs.
The two day general conference cum drug awareness programme of AMSU was held at Motum village community hall under Mebo Sub-Division wherein Er. Mugling Tayeng, EE RWD, Lower Siang attended as Chief guest, while Dr. Runi Tasung from WASE attended as resource person, Madol Saring, Headmaster, GSS Motum as special guest, Dr. Karsing Megu as guest of honour etc, informed Ojing Tayeng, President, AMSU.
Besides cultural and literary competition conducted for the students during the two day conference, an awareness programme on drug addiction and its ill effect was focused by resource person Dr. Runi Tasung who spoke on length to stay away from drug addiction. She said that drug addictions are not only ruining the career of students, but it also destroys the peace and happiness of parents as many youths are dying or living the life of hell due to addictions.
While Er. Mugling Tayeng, HM GSS Motum, Madol Saring and Dr. Karsing Megu urged and advised the students to take right path in life to do good for the parents, society and their fellow students.They said that the students are the future of society and they need to shape up their life for goodness of society.
The conference cum drug awareness programme concluded today with distribution of prizes to the winning students in various categories of cultural and literary competitions.