Itanagar: NERC-GBP NIHE with HU conducted Awareness Program on “Mission LiFE”

ITANAGAR- North-East Regional Centre of G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment (NIHE), Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh (Govt. of India) organized one day Awareness Program on “Mission LiFE Nudging individual and collective action towards ‘Lifestyle for Environment’” in collaboration with Department of Agriculture, Himalayan University (HU) Jullang Itanagar for campaigning the awareness about Mission LiFE in entire and surrounding Himalayan university campus on 18th May 2023.
Dr Raja Head Agriculture felicitated to Dr Devendra Kumar, Head, NERC- NIHE, Itanagar. Mr. Jugendra, Manager admin, HU felicitated to Dr M Sarkar, Scientist, NERC- NIHE, Itanagar. Dr Sonbeer Coordinator Agriculture, HU felicitated to Dr. Wishfully Mylliemngap, Scientist, GBP NIHE-NERC.
Also Read- Himalayan University Organizes Awareness Program on Competitive Examinations
Dr Devendra Kumar gave the Welcome Address & Brief about the programme and Institute. He told, “How can we conserve the environment? Dr Raja Husain, Head, Department of Agriculture, HU gave the special welcome address.
He gave the introduction about Mission LiFE and talked about safety measures for implementation in our daily life for sustainable development.
Dr M S Sarkar talked about the Mission LiFE. He introduced the sustainable development of the environment and the awareness and importance of maintaining healthy ecosystems.
Dr. Wishfully said about ‘the Changing lifestyle to safeguard environment’ she explained that How can we make the changes in daily life to clean the environment?
Pledge taking activity was performed by Mr. Ranjeet Kr. Singh, Technical officer NERC- GBP NIHE, Itanagar. Dr Sivaranjani S, NERC- GBPNIHE said the Vote of thanks. During the program, BSc and MSc (Agri) students participated. Dr Akhil, Mr Ibraheem Khan, Mr. Imran, Dr Malem Dean academics, HoDs and students of different departments HU, faculties of Agriculture HU were present during the program.