
Commuters lauded the ANSU team for clearing the blockage on Hoj-Putin road


The commuters on Hoj-Putin road on Tuesday got stuck for more than a hour due to road blockage and  a Mail Bus of Postal department struggled hard to get out from the mudslide.

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The incident  happened on Hoj-Putin road when a landslide (mudslide) blocked partially at 1 Km point near Hoj village and more than 50 vehicle got  stranded both side for more than a hour at around 8 PM.

Commuters lauded the ANSU team for clearing the blockage on Hoj-Putin road

A mail bus of Postal department who tried by forcefully to cross the mudslide got stuck There was no option but to release the vehicle from the mudslide and the team of ANSU who was coming back from Yachuli with coordinated effort of the stranded passengers clear the road and evacuated the vehicle by pushing forward and pulling with the help of rope.

One of the commuters Tadar Hare (Social Worker) of Nyapin lauded the help of ANSU and appeal them to continue their good efforts in their endeavour for the welfare of students community and society at large.

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