Arunachal: MoU Signed Between RGU and CEMCA

ITANAGAR- Rajiv Gandhi University (RGU) signed a MoU with Centre for Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA) on 2nd of July for conduction of five certificate courses under Institute of Distance Education (RGU). The courses offered under this collaboration are Certificate Course in Cyber Security, Mobile Architecture, Multimedia and Animation, Barefoot Wireless Engineer and Digital Video Editing.
The MoU was signed virtually between the two parties, given the COVID SOP’s. Prof. Ashan Riddi, Director, Institute of Distance Education, RGU welcomed the august gathering to this online meet. Speaking on the occasion, Prof. Madhu Prahar said that the pandemic has eliminated the difference between the regular and distance mode of learning as, “all of us all blended mode institutes now”. She also expressed interest to collaborate with University to organize a Faculty Development Programme for all college teachers under the university.
This is the chief idea behind this initiative, as pointed out by Prof. Madhu Prahar. Dr. N. T. Rikam, Registrar (RGU) shared that this is a unique initiative as there is no financial liability involved for both the parties. Prof. Saket Khuswaha, Vice Chancellor of RGU and also chair of program, stressed on the importance of networking and sharing of intellectual resources to further the cause of Education and Research. As the courses are already developed using public money, redundancy can be avoided by sharing such resources among Institutes, he shared. Prof. Amitava Mitra, Pro Vice Chancellor also spoke on the occasion.
The MoU was virtually signed by Dr. N. T. Rikam from RGU and Mr. Dalip Kumar Tetri, Advisor, Finance and Administration from CEMCA. The online link for admission into the mentioned courses was also launched in the ceremony by VC, RGU and Registrar, RGU. The VC also shared that the University is going to sign around 20 more MoU’s with various organizations to improve the education system in this digital era. The meeting ended with a Vote of Thanks by Assistant Prof., IDE, RGU, Moyir Riba. She is also the Project Coordinator.