
Arunachal: KVK organised Training of Poultry Egg Hatching in incubator for Farmers

KVK Namsai organised a Training cum demonstration of poultry egg hatching in incubator  for farmers of Mahadevpur Village.


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Training cum demonstration of poultry egg hatching in incubator was organized by KVK, Namsai to the members of live stock grower association of the district at Mahadevpur-III village to meet available of quality Day Old Chick (DOC) at locality with low price.

Previously a hatchery unit of 1000 eggs capacity was provided to the grower association by KVK, Namsai under Tribal Sub Plan project funded by ICAR-RC for NEH region, Barapani, Maghalaya.

During the training, Dr. Binod Kr. Dutta Borah, SMS, animal science explain about the various factors responsible for better hatchability of poultry egg starting from production of quality fertile egg to production of quality DOC.

He further demonstrated the technicality of incubator to maintain temperature and humidity for atleast 21days with turning of eggs upto 18 days.

The farmers were satisfied with the initiative taken by KVK, Namsai for production of quality chick since most of the farmer rears birds with improved germplasm (Kalinga Brown) that was also provided by KVK, Namsai got difficulties at the time of hatching as mother bird hatch small number of birds at a time.

Moreover, DOC of these variety are also not available at nearby and farmer has to purchased them from Sibsagar, Assam investing high amount of price.

Initially Mr. Rituparna Deori, CEO, Livestock grower association, Namsai explained about the programme and the aspiration of the farmers. He also narrated about the plan of work to be performed by grower association in this areas to fulfill the demand of quality meat and egg. Mr. Athina Chauhai, CEO, FPO-NOSAAP, Namsai was also participated in the programme and encourage the farmers for scientific poultry farming.

A total of 25 members of livestock group of FPO were participated in the programme.



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