Arunachal: Health awareness ‘Healthy choice, Healthy life’ held at Palin
A team of Assistant Professor from TTRIHMS Naharlagun, namely Dr Mingam Pertin, Dr Asthomi Jamo Pertin and Dr Bai Bam were attended as resources person of the event in varied topics.

PALIN- Health awareness cum-screening Programme, theme “ Healthy choice, Healthy life ” was organized at Nyokum Hall, Palin, Kra Daadi District by the Arunachal Married Couple Show under Nya Tani Foundation Society. Charu Nili, Deputy Commissioner, and Sepraj Preme, SP Kra Daadi District attended as Chief Guest and Guest of honour respectively.
A team of Assistant Professor from TTRIHMS Naharlagun, namely Dr Mingam Pertin, Dr Asthomi Jamo Pertin and Dr Bai Bam were attended as resources person of the event in varied topics.
Sri Charu Nill, DC Palin, address to the mammoth gathering as Chief Guest discourage the early marriage system of Nyishi Society. He taught the attended student not to get marriage in early age rather concentrate in study. He said that Parents and teacher s could play most effective role to controlled early marriage system. At the same time he urged the parent and teacher to give awareness in this regard to student in every morning assembly.
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Sepraj Preme, SP Palin, stress on the bad effect of drug addictions, He called Drug was the mother of all evil. While sharing his experience about Drug, he told that Namsai and Papum Pare Districts were the worst affected District in Arunachal Pradesh. He told that both districts recorded highest Numbers of HIVs effect persons due to drug addiction.
He called that drinking of wine/bear addicted much but drug addiction is most dangerous effect in human life. He revealed that in recent past one HIV affected patient has been register in Kra Daadi District which would be so unfortunate. He told that at large drug free record but cannot deny the total freedom of drug. At the same time, he called the students to totally avoid using and tasting any types of drug.
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About the Drug addictions, Dr Asthomi Jamo Pertain, a resource person of subject elaborately and specifically taught various causes and effect of Drug menace for especially for youth. She told that drug was mother of all problems. Suffering from Hyper-tension of parents, HIVs, all form cancer disease, etc were all connecting from Drug menace alone, she told.
She also told that Drug addictions causes psychological effects, mental disturb and lead to all forms of evil practice, like thief, burglar and criminal activities. She also taught that some time youths are using drug due to poor and family problems and urge the parents to maintain love and care with the children.
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Dr Mangam Pertin while taught about the ill effect of HIVs AIDS informed that Namsai and Papum Pare District are worst effect of HIV AIDS. He told that it was due to connection with drug addiction. He informed that HIVs aids are a dangerous disease not only causes sexually contract but also from multipurpose use of a drug siring injection. Accordingly he called for avoid drug addiction and multi-partnership sex.
Dr Bai Bam, Assistant Profesor of TRIHMS, Naharlagun attended as a resources person of Eye Care told that eye is the essential parts of human life. “What people may how much rich or high status but without eye life is all darks” he told. He taught about various technical device and medicines for treatment of eyes care.
Biri Tako, Chairman Nya Tani Foundation Society, taught about the effect of early marriage. He told that early marriage has two worst effect, cultural effects and economic effects. He told that due to early marriage, parent usually got burden of caring and nursing children which added lots of economic burden.
He told that polygamy and divorce problems are all connecting with early marriage. Meanwhile he told that Nya Tani Foundation society and Arunachal Marriage Couple Shows has stressed much awareness on social evil practice like early marriage, Drug abuses and Health care issues.
Earlier, while giving welcome address to the attendance, Smti Charu Amchi Biri, Chairman of Arunachal Marriage couple had also stress on to stop early marriage and drug addiction.