Arunachal: CSIR-CIMAP organizes training-cum-demonstration programme under Aroma Mission-II

PASIGHAT ( By Maksam Tayeng )- CSIR- Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants organized two training-cum-demonstration programme for cultivation and processing of aromatic crops under Aroma Mission-II at Runne village, on Wednesday and at Mebo village, Mebo on Thursday. These programmes were conducted with the local support from the Department of Horticulture, East Siang district.
Training-cum-Demonstration Programme at Runne village, Pasighat started with the welcome address by Kaling Taloh, a farmer who is cultivating aroma crops in his field and then Oter Gao, Horticulture Development Officer, East Siang district delivered his talk about schemes of state Government.
The lecture on Aroma crops and aroma mission was delivered by Dr RK Srivastava, Sr Scientist and Nodal Scientist for Aroma Mission, NER, CSIR-CIMAP, Lucknow. While Israr Ali spoke about improved cultivation practices of Patchouli and Rose and its economics, Manoj Kumar Yadav discussed about Lemongrass and Citronella and its benefit to the farmers.
Total of 82 farmers including women participated in the programme and gained knowledge about technical and financial issues of the aroma crops. Team CSIR-CIMAP also distributed the planting material of improved varieties developed by CSIR-CIMAP. The techniques of plantation and nursery preparation were also demonstrated to the participants.
While training-cum-demonstration programme at Mebo on Thursday as second programme on cultivation and processing of aromatic crops was for income enhancement and creation of employment opportunities in rural areas.
In this programme, a welcome address was given by Oter Gao, HDO, East Siang then Dr RK Srivastava, Sr. Scientist and Head Business Development talked about Aroma Mission-II and also discussed the benefit of aroma crops in comparison with cereal crops to the participants.
One of lead aroma farmers Ojing Megu shared his success story of aroma crops to the farmers to motivate them for adopting cultivation of suitable aroma crops. Israr Ali from CSIR-CIMAP Lucknow and Dr Yogendra ND, Scientist, CRC, Bangalore delivered their talk on Patchouli and Manoj Kumar Yadav talked about Lemongrass and Citronella to the farmers. In this programme a total of 35 farmers participated.
Planting material of Patchouli which was brought from CIMAP Bangalore centre and Lemongrass variety was given to the interested farmers for nursery preparation. After completion of these two programmes, team CSIR-CIMAP met Dr. Kiinny Singh, Dy. Commissioner, East Siang district and apprised the activities performed in the state of Arunachal Pradesh for income enhancement and creating employment opportunities in rural areas through Aroma Mission-II.