Arunachal: Capital Nagrik Bhaichara Samity discussed issues pertaining to public grievances

By Manoj Singh
The 1st meeting of the Capital Nagrik Bhaichara Samity under newly posted Capital Superintendent of Police M Harsha Vardhan held here at SP office at Ganga today.
Various common and general grievance of the general public and important issue of the denizens of the twin capital city was discussed minutely and various remedies were also suggested by the members concerned.
Capital SP and Capital Nagrik Bhaichara Samity Chairman M Harsha Vardhan in his address said that every step of government policy and programme, police and administrative works would be successful with the participation of general public and active support and cooperation of the masses.
Itanagar being the capital city of state various other issues are also confronting the speedy development and in some case these are hindrance in maintaining of law and order, peace and tranquillity, communal harmony among the citizen.
After take over of the Itanagar Traffic Warden (ITW) the traffic system is being streamlined and traffic menace would also be reduced if the commuters park their vehicles properly without giving disturbances to others commuters which are detrimental to the traffic jam in many places which the general public are day to day experiencing.
We may face some problems due to construction of four lane road in the city and urge upon all to take the bypass road also. The ITW are also given with refresher course in PTC on batch wise for the mental/physical upliftment and traffic rules and other.
Report of gambling is being heard which are played in various festival ground and local markets and urge upon the local committee members to come forward and support for total banned on gambling from capital complex.
Traffic checking have been intensified and daily checking have in installed at various cheek nakas and ask to verify the document checking properly.
He urge upon the city dwellers to installed CCYV in their respective house. office and business establishment so that during any incidents the miscreants are immediately caught in the clutch of the police.
He emphasis upon creating of Resident Welfare committee/ Association (RWC/A) in all colony and sector of the capital compel which shall also coordinate the capital police as well as capital administration for the smooth functioning of all activities and support the police in maintaining peace, tranquillity and communal harmony and minimising the criminal activities form the capital city of state.
He sought support from all stake holders in day to day activity in capital complex and appeal all to file complaint with capital police without fear and favour and assumed help in any place and any time. Vardhan added.
SDPO Itanagar Kamdam Sikom and SDPO Naharlagun Make Bui while elaborating various law and order issue, issue related to public awareness among the citizens, youths and students, business establishment and traffic menace were also discussed. They said that every steps of the administration and police would only successful if it is properly implemented where the support of all stake holder are extended.
Sikom inform that 67 two wheelers have been recovered within a span of three month and network have been extended that some more two wheelers can be recovered only in Itanagar Police Station area. So far 15 youths have been apprehended and shows his serious concern over the involvement of more than 8 youngsters in bike lifting case of whose ages are from 9 years to 15 years and sought supports from the parents in deviating the minds of young children from bad habits so that these boys/students are not involved in criminal activities.
SDPO Naharlagun Make Bui while shows his concern on increase of gambling activates, traffic violation by small boys who have no driving license and other means of traffic violation and urge upon the senior citizens and parents and teachers to educate their ward/children so that traffic violation by the youngsters are reduced and several fatal and serious accidents are minimised.