Arunachal: Boosting of Horticulture & allied sector of Agriculture in Lohit
To promote Lohit organic produce, encourage farming though FPO mode

Tezu- Horticulture & allied sector being a predominant economic activity to uplift rural economy and allowing marginal farmer to hike their produce through small land holding. The Lohit District Administration in support from both central & state govt. has launched a mission in order to promote Lohit organic produce though BIOFACH, providing zest to opium grower towards seasonal vegetables and other commercial crops, to double the farmer income, exposure of Lohit farmer to international standard of marketing, online marketing of Lohit farm produce etc.
While highlighting ground report, Prince Dhawan, DC Lohit says this is the first of kind the govt. has taken the Horticulture & allied sector of Agriculture through Farmer Produce Organization (FPO) mode to hike the produce. “In this system the selected farmer themselves are FPO. “He will acquire 1 hectare of land where inter – cropping or mixed cropping of farming will be practiced. Namely Oranges, Arica Nut, Pineapple, Banana, Papaya, Ginger, Black pepper, Turmeric, Large Cardamom and Aromatic & Medicinal are prioritized plants that can be used”, explains the DC.
“Horticulture gives higher yield & income to farmer but there is little input or protection against the surplus produces. Under this system we educated the farmer to opt scientific and modern method of farming replacing subsistence and traditional practices. Every guidance and technical know – how are being extended by the District Agriculture Development Society (DADS) and KVK, the Dhawan further add. Our motto is to create Lohit district as emerging hot spot of Horticulture and so we are working on mission mode under FPO concept to make the dream of the farmer come true, hopes the DC further.
A progressive farmer and CEO of the FPO from Wakro circle, Solemso Ama briefs over the pass part ordeal of agriculture scenario and its uncertainty. However this new concept of FPO has brought lot of hope and aspiration in the farming sector, the marketing being the main outlet of income which under the FPO is pivotal to give every backup to those small and marginalized famers. Under this we don’t have risk factor and the DADS and all allied FPO will guide on comprehensive marketing of the produce”, the Ama hopes.
While narrating his interest in Horticulture, Bulung Tindia orange progressive farmer & FPO of Changliang village said that he has been consistently producing orange in big way in single cropping pattern but the new concept of integrated farming is much rewarding. “Papaya, Banana, Turmeric and Black pepper growing commercially in large scale is new concept. The dept is giving everything. We are being educated to cultivate multi – cropping crops scientifically in a hectare of land and abide by the govt. guideline to achieve the goal”, he says.
The Horticulture Dept sources said that it’s a kind of revolution to adapt traditional practices of cultivation to modern & scientific as well as to provide fillip to opium grower towards seasonal vegetables and other short – term commercial crops. Meanwhile, registration of FPO, Phase – wise of training at various levels, selection of crops and land area, marketing pattern and its storage facilities would be made adequate by the FPO and Dept concerned.
FPO mode of farming is completely a new idea, we are consistently working hard under the guidance of Deputy Commissioner to make this task flourishing”, hopes S Rehman HDO.
The 3 (three) circles including Tezu, Sunpura and Wakro circle in Lohit have been brought under the FPO mode in promoting Horticulture and its allied sector. 150 each FPO in Horticulture, Agriculture, Veterinary and Fishery is registered and raised the crop according to their choice as selected list of crops made by the dept according to the viability and season, explains the HDO.