Arunachal: Assembly passes amendment bill to shift Kra Daadi district headquarters
During a discussion, Chief Minister Pema Khandu informed the House that the amendment bill was introduced to shift Kra Daadi district headquarters from Jamin to Palin.

ITANAGAR- An amendment bill to shift Kra Daadi district headquarters was passed by the Arunachal Pradesh assembly on Saturday.
The Arunachal Pradesh (Re-Organisation of Districts) (Amendment) Bill 2021 was passed by voice vote.
During a discussion, Chief Minister Pema Khandu informed the House that the amendment bill was introduced to shift Kra Daadi district headquarters from Jamin to Palin.
“There will be no financial implication on the state exchequer for implementation of the Act when enacted,” he said.
The passage of the bill will also help delete a word, Upper Lekang, from Namsai district as there is no such administrative unit there, he said.
The bill was passed before Speaker Passang Dorjee Sona adjourned the House.