Aalo- National School Safety Programme held at Nehru HS School

A National School Safety Programme on Natural and man made Disaster was organised by 12th BN NDRF in Collaboration with District Administration, District Disaster Management with the Involvement of students and teachers at Nehru HS School in Aalo on Wednesday.
The main objectives of The National School Safety Programme To Motivate Direct Participant of the students and teachers in activities that would help building towards a Disaster resilient community, to sensitize children and the school community on disaster preparedness and safety measures and to promote capacity building of officials , teachers and students.
On the occasion Team Commander of 12th BN NDRF C. S. Bal said, “ creating a safe environment for the children in school is the most important task , as in the case of any emergency they are the most vulnerable.
National disaster management authority of the MHA strongly feels that there has to be a structural ,as well as non-structural intervention to ensure the safety of the children.
Structural intervention would include strict check on the guide lines setup for school building , while non-structural would mean educating the staff, teachers and students about disaster management.
Team Commander expressed gratitude to all students and teachers staff for their presence and said, “ some of the way and means of educating the child are building awareness by way of campaigns , rallies etc. Connecting mock drills for fire disasters and earth quick. First aid training. Use of the fire extinguisher and a clear picture of command and control , so that in case of an emergency there is no chaos . the safety of our children is on the line . kids feel safer as a result of doing this NSSP.”