
Arunachal: Himalayan University’s Annual Sports, Literary and Cultural Meet Concludes

The Meet which featured various competitions amongst students represented through Four Houses namely Leparada, Shiyomi, Keyi Panyor and Kamle in three major events viz.

ITANAGAR-  The Four Day 6th Annual Sports, Literary and Cultural Meet, 2024 of the Himalayan University, Itanagar which began on 18th March, 2024 concludes today.

The Meet which featured various competitions amongst students represented through Four Houses namely Leparada, Shiyomi, Keyi Panyor and Kamle in three major events viz.  Sports, Literary and Cultural was declared closed bY Takam Tatung, Sports Activist (Gold Medalist – 2nd International Karate Championship, 2019) who graced the Closing Ceremony as the Chief Guest.

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Dr. A.K. Mishra, State Liaison Officer (NSS), Directorate of Higher & Technical Education, Government of Arunachal Pradesh and Vijay Tripathi, Registrar, Himalayan University graced the ceremony as Guest of Honour and Chairman respectively. Dr. Dipongpou Kamei, DSW, Dr. L. Malem Mangal, Dy. Dean (Academic Affairs), Mr. Ipe Eshi, Assistant Registrar and Mr. Reyom Ete, Head Administration of Himalayan University witnessed the closing ceremony.

Takam Tatung congratulating the entire Himalayan University fraternity especially the students community for successfully organising the 4 day long Sports Meet called upon the students to work hard with a sense of discipline, commitment and sincerity.

He reiterated that such an Annual Sports Meet provides an opportunity for students to learn, grow and unite. Giving stress on the importance of doing away with drugs and alcohol, Shri Tatung appealed the students’ community to adopt games and sports in their lives and to inculcate serious commitment towards study and career goals.

Stating that preserving indigenous arts and creativity holds a significant place in society, Shri Tatung informed the gathering that Dapo Nyarka Sunam may likely be included as a national event in the next National Games of India.

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Dr. A.K. Mishra while appreciating the organizers for successfully conducting the Meet called upon the students, lauding for choosing “Unite, Triumph & Conquer” as the theme for the 6th Annual Sports Meet, Dr. Mishra stated that the theme represents a unique flavor of coming together, interacting and understanding one another by participating in various events of the meet.

He stated that such events instill a sense of showcasing one’s cultural identity and preservation of indigenous skills, ideas and practices.

Dr. Mishra observed that the students of Arunachal Pradesh in general and students of Himalayan University in particular have potentials to excel and bring laurels in various fields.

Tripathi congratulating the students’ community, teaching and non-teaching staff for organising the Meet explained the meaning of “Kriti” stating that it implies creativity and works of art, music, etc. He called upon the students to explore their hidden talents and put sincere efforts to participate, learn and grow during the Meet.

To mark the occasion, a traditional group dance was presented by student representatives of the Four Houses. A special song was also presented by Ms. Teejum Nada of B.A. General, 4th Semester.

Vijay Tripathi stated that the importance of the 6th Annual Sports, Literary and Cultural Meet is to provide sufficient platforms and opportunities to students to hone their creativity, develop skills and sense of social harmony.

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Highlighting that participation with the spirit of sports, fun, enjoyment, discipline, tolerance and unity is more important than winning, Tripathi observed that those who failed to secure ranks shall not be disheartened but keep working hard for future.

Shiyomi House begged Overall Champion Title of the 6th Annual Sports, Literary & Cultural Meet, 2024 while Keyi Panyor had been adjusted with the Best Discipline House. Ms. Gangte Shanti and Mr. Hento Kamnyi were declared as Miss and Mr. Himalayan University, 2024.

Ms. Tad Nime, Assistant Professor & Head, Department of Management delivered Welcome Address while and Mr. Ipe Eshi, Assistant Registrar proposed the Vote of Thanks. Ms. Bengia Mamung and Mr. Jumge Pale, Faculty members of the Department of Botany and English compered the programme.


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