
Arunachal Pradesh: Governor, CM extend Reh Festival greetings


Governor Brig. (Dr.) B.D. Mishra (Retd), Chief Minister Pema Khandu on Thursday extended greetings to the people of Arunachal Pradesh particularly the Idu Mishmi community on the joyous occasion of Reh festival.


The Governor of Arunachal Pradesh Brig. (Dr.) B.D. Mishra (Retd) has extended his warm greetings to Idu Mishmi brethren and the people of the State on the auspicious occasion of Reh. He expressed his hope that the Reh Festival celebrations will evoke the blessings of Divine Mother ‘Nanyi Inyitaya’ and further strengthen the spirit of brotherhood and social integration.

In his message, the Governor said that Idu Mishmi Tribe is one of the most culturally rich tribes of Arunachal Pradesh. Age old traditions and ethnicity of the tribe are unique and extraordinary. Reh Festival of the Idu Mishmi community reflects the vibrant and diverse cultural heritage of our State. He urged upon every member of the community and members of other tribes as well to display the cohesive bonding of our folds by actively participating in Reh Festival.

On this auspicious occasion, I offer my prayers to Divine Mother ‘Nanyi Inyitaya’ to bless each one of us with her choicest blessings, the Governor said in his message.

Chief Minister Pema Khandu has extended warm greetings to the people of Arunachal Pradesh particularly the Idu Mishmi community on the joyous occasion of Reh festival.

In his festival message, CM said that the Idu Mishmis are known for their creativity and popular for being the custodions of rich mother nature. He appreciated the Idus for conserving the nature and contributing immensely towards fighting global warming.

“Ours is a distinct state with several tribes and communities residing side by side for ages and maintaining their own unique indigenous culture and traditions. Despite our varied diversity, we as Arunachalees are united and take pride in our indigenous cultural heritage.

This cultural mosaic has to be maintained, preserved and propagated at all costs while keeping intact our unity in diversity. I believe Reh would prove a major catalyst towards achieving this goal” the message added further.


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