Taram Clarifies on Controversy of Appointment of Junior Librarian

Parliamentary Secretary Education and Home Pani Taram today Clarified the stand of the Government in connection with the interview held for appointment of Junior Librarian in Education Department.
Taram said that the selected candidates were appointed accordingly and the complainant Lobom Lida was placed at waiting list no-1 as per his marking.
After receiving of RTI document it reveals that the marking to one objective question was not given and accordingly his next candidate was placed before him. After interview appointment was made to all three candidates who were placed in the merit list while Lida remain in waiting list at sl-1.
After submission of the documents and constitution of 8 member committee on July 10 to look into the claim of the candidate in regards to interview result began.
On July 18 the constituted Board started its proceeding and submitted its report, the report of the committee alongwith other relevant document was process. There is a system of government and the file goes through all channel to government for consideration. However the candidate did not come to office for confirmation or government action on his claim otherwise it would not have happened because his file was already been under process for consideration of government which was known to the candidate himself.
Meanwhile Taram said that the government have already considered the proposal of the education department and committee report for appointment of Lobum Lida to the post of Junior Librarian in Directorate of Secondary Education much earlier and approved on August 14 last.
Taram however said that Lida before going to press should have confirmed with the department of his case which was not done by him is very unfortunate.
On the other hand in a written statement to this daily by the candidate Lobum Lida said that it was a communication gap between him and department. “ I am happy with the intervention of Parliamentary Secretary (Education & Home) Pani Taram” of his assurance and surety that appointment will be done within a day or two. He further said that he hope that the appointment order may be issued without any delay.
He said that the concern authority will keep my faith and trust and he was witing for this action for long time Lida added.