Rs. 67 Crores for Revamping Water Supply in Capital Complex

In view of the hardships faced by the people, the State Government has taken up an ambitious project and sanction Rs 67 Crores to revamp and overhaul the water supply network of the entire capital complex region which will include augmentation of water supply by tapping various sources in addition to existing ones.
The project will also include extension and re-alignment of pipe lines, construction of water filling centres, boring of deep tube wells in various constrained areas besides providing water tankers to mitigate the problem of water shortage during lean season and system breakdowns. Areas like Itanagar, Naharlagun, Nirjuli, Ganga village, Poma, Lekhi, Damsite, ISBT will benefit from this project, for which the State Government has sanctioned Rs. 67 Crores.
The Department of PHE & WS which will implement the Project, will also take up comprehensive measures for improvement of the distribution network in sectors. As most of the existing water supply lines in the capital complex area are more than thirty years old, they need urgent repairing, replacement and maintenance.
In addition to revamping the water supply network, it will introduce reform initiative of installing meter system for institutions and offices on pilot basis and also taking up rooftop rainwater harvesting and overhead water tanks. Considering the frequent occurrence of fire accidents in the twin capital, fire hydrants will also be installed in strategic locations across the city in populated area and in schools & colleges.