
PM SVANidhi camp begin in newly Urban town Lemmi Pakke Kessang

A total of 30 vendors applied for first tranche of loan amounting ₹ 10,000/-in the first day.

PAKKE KESSANG (LEMMI):  PM SVANIdhi camp for Urban Street Vendors of  Lemmi, Urban town Under Pakke Kessang District was formally inaugurated in Circuit House of Pakke Kessang.

A total of 30 vendors applied for first tranche of loan amounting ₹ 10,000/-in the first day.

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Liyi Bagra, Director (ULB)-cum-Mission Director, ArSULM spoke in detail about the scheme benefits  & asked all vendors to avail the benefit of PM SVANidhi scheme and also requested vendors to be in touch with Limmie  DUDA  Pakke Kessang   for availing other benefits too from other CSS Schemes being implemented by the department.

He further informed all the vendors about the benefits of the PM SVANidhi Scheme and the three level of loan benefits which is being provided in the scheme for all vendors ranging from ₹ 10,000/- first tranche, ₹ 20,000/- second tranche & ₹ 50,000/- 3rd tranche  which need to be repaid in 12, 18 and 36 months for 1st, 2nd & 3rd trench of Loan respectively with 7% subvention in Interest rate.

Ravi Sharma, SMM ArSULM spoke about the DAY-NULM scheme where various benefits like SHGs Revolving Fund @ 10,000/- each, Area Level Federation Revolving Fund @50,000/- each, Skilling the youth, Setting up Micro Enterprise for Individual @2,00,000/- each and SHGs @ 10,00,000/-each may be availed from DAY-NULM scheme was highlighted  and urged all of them to be connected with DUDA for availing the benefits in near future.

Earlier welcoming the team of ArSULM, AE-cum-Member Secretary DUDA Lemmi, Pakke Kessang, Er. Biju Dodum urged the vendors to avail the benefits of the scheme and enroll themselves with the Department of UD & Housing  for further benefits in long run.

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