Itanagar: DNGC to host national conference, workshop on Act East policy

The Dera Natung Government College (DNGC) is going to host two days national seminar and workshop on Act East Policy .
The Dera Natung Government College (DNGC) is going to host two days national seminar and workshop on the Centre’s Act East Policy from November 15 and 16 wherein more than 150 scholars and researchers will take part.
DNGC Principal Dr. N T Rikam inform the media at a press conference held at Arunachal Press club today. Dr. Rikam said that the two days national conference on Act East through North East, India’s way to a new era of diplomacy.
The conference will organise by the Jadavpur Association of International relations (JAIR) and DNGC and is being supported by Policy planning and research division, ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA), New Delhi, Indian Council of Social Science Research New Delhi at Dera Natung Government College.
He inform that more than 150 researchers and scholars are from different states will present their paper and presentation in the technical session of the two days conference. There will be an attraction of the discussion on the prospect of Act East Policy in the context of our state Arunachal Pradesh also.
The conference will be inaugurated by the Vice Chancellor Rajiv Gandhi University, Professor Saket Kushwaha. He appeal all like minded people those who are interested in the issue are invited to listen to the view and suggestion of the philosopher, researchers and scholars across the country.
DNGC, HoD (Economic) Dr. Ramakrishan Mandal, JAIR General Secretary Dr. Imankalyan Lahiri also address the media and elaborated the aspect and prospect of the two days conference and release of paper and submission to the central government of the outcome of the conference so that the GOI may take is an idea, solution and resolution and support in implementing the Act East Policy of the central government for the better development of the North East Region of the country in more effective way.