Dy CM reviewed Projects under RIDF

Deputy Chief Minister Chowna Mein stressed on time bound implementation of the projects under Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) while reviewing the projects under RIDF Tranche-XXII for the year 2016-17 in the Conference Hall of the State Planning Department here today.
He said that the programmes under RIDF are time bound and it should be implemented timely. He added that the timely implementation of the programme would safe the fund from being wastage. He suggested to the executing agencies to follow a yearly calendar for timely completion of the projects under RIDF and asked them to complete the projects by end of December, to submit DPR for next project by March so as to get sanction by June of every year.
Lamenting the executing agencies on delayed submission of DPR, he said that due to poor performance on the submission of DPR by the executing agencies, the state govt is losing fund allocation in successive years. He strongly urged them to get this error corrected from this year onward.
He also stressed on immediate submission of Project Completion Reports of the projects under RIDF tranche XIV and Utilization Certificates while asserting that due to non-submission of UC in time, the state govt is facing hurdles in getting fund from the centre.
Mein also emphasized on strict monitoring of the projects under RIDF and to take proper follow up action of the sub-ordinate officers/staffs in the field. He said to take stern action against the dilly-dallying officers/staffs and in the same time, to appreciate and reward the efficient officers/staffs and also to reflect their performance in the ACR.
He directed the heads of executing agencies to start the works under RIDF 2016-17 immediately as the mobilization advance of Rs 39.63 Crore has been received for various projects. He also said to release state share of previous year’s projects in which 90-95% work has been completed so far.
DCM also mooted for uniform selection of beneficiaries from all the areas of the state instead of selection from a particular area and constituency for the schemes under the agriculture, horticulture and allied sectors.
Earlier, Secretary Planning, Dr Joram Beda informed that 57 numbers of projects amounting to Rs 568.60 crore is being taken up under RIDF 2016-17 in the state. He proposed for holding of review meeting every month for effective monitoring and implementation of the projects under RIDF.
He also highlighted the project wise status and department wise list of RIDF ongoing projects in the state.
In the meeting, DCM also reviewed the NABARD sponsored projects of previous years, reimbursement status, fund placement/allocation and DPR submission of new projects.
Among others, Parliamentary Secretary (Planning), Chow Zingnu Namchoom, Commissioner (Dev & Finance), Ashish Kundra, Commissioner (Horticulture), Bilatee Pertin, Deputy General Manager (NABARD), Binod Kumar, Chief Engineers of PWD, WRD, PHED, RWD and HoDs from Horticulture Department also attended the meeting.