Arunachal: Last funeral rite of late Nangpha Kinchini Namchoom held at Chongkham
She passed away yesterday at a private hospital in Dibrugarh, Assam after a brief illness.

NAMSAI- The last funeral rite of late Nangpha Kinchini Namchoom, wife of former Khamti Chief, late Chaupha Khanchiang Namchoom, was performed and mortal remains consigned to flames with full traditional rituals, honour and respect today at her native place at Chongkham. She passed away yesterday at a private hospital in Dibrugarh, Assam after a brief illness. She was 74 years.
Late Nangpha Kinchini was a very simple, humble and pious women. She had lived a life of a true wife and spent most of her time dedicating to the religious activities, welfare of the Sangha and in the service of the humanity.
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As the better half of the former Khamti Chief, she was loved and liked by all people irrespect of age, gender and affiliation due to her simplicity, humane behaviour and good work.
She is survived by two sons, two daughter-in-law, a daughter, a son-in-law and many grand children.
In her untimely demise, we have lost a great personality and sadly the entire society will miss to see her in events live for the next time to come.
At this hour of grief, the entire rank and file of TKDS extend deepest condolences, stand behind the bereaved family and pray for the departed soul to rest in eternal peace. A place in heaven is sure in return to all her good deeds.