Arunachal: Farmers Exposure cum Training programme held at Basar
A group of farmers from Ziro, Lower Subansiri district were highlighted about the mandates and achievements of ICAR - Arunachal Pradesh Centre by Dr. H. Kalita, Head of the centre, followed by farmer’s scientist interaction.

BASAR- A three days farmer’s exposure and training programme was organized by Young Mission Adventure Club in collaboration with NABARD during 2nd to 4th December 2021 to showcase the various technologies developed by ICAR – Arunachal Pradesh Centre, Basar.
A group of farmers from Ziro, Lower Subansiri district were highlighted about the mandates and achievements of ICAR – Arunachal Pradesh Centre by Dr. H. Kalita, Head of the centre, followed by farmer’s scientist interaction.
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During the programme, Dr. T. Angami, Scientist (Fruit Science) presented on scientific production technology of kiwifruit. Mr. L. Touthang, Scientist (Plant Breeding & Genetics) discussed about the importance of crop diversification and maintenance of local germplasm.
Dr. Raghuveer Singh, Scientist (Plant Pathology) highlighted on the oyster mushroom production and preparation of Bordeaux mixture and Bordeaux paste along with some plant protection measures in vegetable crops.
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Mr. B. Makdoh, Scientist (Agronomy) discussed on the importance of Integrated Farming System (IFS).
Dr. Doni Jini, Scientist (Vety. Extension Education) shed a light on the Deep litter housing system (Bokashi) for pigs.
Further, Dr. R.A. Alone, Scientist (Agroforestry) discussed on the different Agroforestry systems.
At the end, the programme was followed by field visit for imparting practical knowledge. The farmers were much elated over getting such an exposure visit.