Arunachal: DEWS Wildlife staffs intercepts Illegal timber log in Siang river

Pasighat: ( By- Maksam Tayeng )- Cracking on the racket of illegal timber operation which was usually flourishing in this region of East Siang District being carried out along and around the Siang River, the Wildlife staffs of Jeepghat Beat under D. Ering Wildlife Sanctuary ( DEWS) on Friday intercepted around 200 timber logs rafting from near Assam Arunachal boundary and damaged the timber logs by nailing nail on the logs as there is no possibility of seizure and deputing it.
According to Orin Perme, Dy. FR, Beat Officer, Jeepghat Beat under Anchalghat Range of DEWS, the illegal timber logs in large numbers were intercepted in Siang River near Assam-Arunachal boundary. “The illegal timber log smugglers mostly arrange or cut down trees from Mebo RF areas and in and around Seram Forest Beat besides collecting the driftwood from Siang river and they sells their timbers at Dibrugarh Assam via Siang River”, said Orin Perme who led his team of wildlife staffs in the drive.
As per Orin Perme, there were around 200 numbers of similar timber logs stationed at Miriyakal Khuti areas along the Assam-Arunachal boundary where Assam Forest Department has also put up few staff to monitor the illegal timber business in those areas. Perme also said that Assam forest staff are letting the illegal do and we become helpless when timber logs are stationed or parked at Assam side.
Meanwhile, illegal timber log collections from Siang river driftwood were restricted and warned by both Wildlife and territorial forest officials after matters of illegalities came to their notice. Range Officer, Mebo RF, Oson Tayeng and Range Officer, Borguli Wildlife Range, Naning Perme scanned the areas along Siang river in between Seram Forest Beat and D. Ering Wildlife Sanctuary where there were inputs of reported collection of driftwood by some people. Oson Tayeng, RFO Mebo RF also said that he has activated the Beat office Seram to enhance vigilance.
Meanwhile, DFO D. Ering Wildlife Sanctuary, Tasang Taga has lauded the good effort of Beat Officer Jeepghat, Orin Perme, Dy. FR for cracking on the illegal timber rafting passing along the Siang river which was chased and caught by wildlife team using its engine boat.
Taga has also alerted all his Range officers to stay vigil on such illegal timber rafting/activities passing near the Wildlife areas. Beat Officer, Jeepghat, Orin Perme, Dy. FR is a Silver Medalist (awarded in 2019) from the government of Arunachal Pradesh for his sincere and dedicated services for securing flora & fauna of D. Ering Wildlife Sanctuary who keeps duty first as his motto.
It is noteworthy to mention where that, the Assam Forest officials stationed at Miriyakal Khuti areas and Kobo Chapori/Jonai under Dhemaji Forest Division also need to be equally activated and monitored, as there has inputs of the forest officials/staffs getting bribe from illegal timber mafias in exchange of which they let the illegalities performed under their cover.
Also the illegal timber smugglers from Arunachal Pradesh who transport timber log in raft via Siang River to some of timber hubs like Dibrugarh in Assam is also causing a huge loss of revenue to the state government of Arunachal Pradesh.