workshop on cashless economy & digital payments at Kuchkut Village

The Dept of IT has been effectively using the platform of the Common Service Centers (CSCs) to encourage the Village Level Entrepreneurs (VLE’s) to take forward the digital initiative out to the block and village levels and spread the message of Digital India throughout. This programme has been used as a spring-board to push ahead many initiatives like Aadhar-linking, cashless economy and other citizen centric e-services to the village and grass-root levels.
Recently a team from the Department of IT conducted a workshop on “cashless economy & digital payments” at Kuchkut village in Yazali circle of Lower Subansiri District, highlighting the importance of bank accounts and online transactions to help and aid in their daily lives. Nearly 80 villagers participated in the workshop, along with the ADC Yachuli, A.C. Barua and Circle Officer, Likha Radh.
Various means of digital payment, such as fingerprint scanners and POS machines were also showcased and their usage explained, along with presentations on digital payments and online transactions. Most of the villagers in this village have Aadhar linked bank accounts and the workshop was an effort to encourage and create awareness amongst the villagers as to how to use their Aadhar linked bank accounts to undertake cashless transactions using various modes including USSD and UPI. Mr. Licha Birbal, who is a Village Level Entrepreneur (VLE) and running Common Service Center (CSC) in Yazali also made a detailed presentation in this regard in the local language. Mr. Licha Birbal operates his CSC as Customer Service Point of SBI bank and open bank account to the people in his locality.
On this occasion the Spl Secretary IT, Sh. Prince Dhawan observed that GoI is incentivizing villagers as well as District Administration to undertake digital transactions. He has also told about various incentives that have been announced by the NITI Aayog such as –
- An incentive of Rs.10 for every individual who has transited to Digital Payment mode and has undertaken at least 2 successful transactions.
- NITI Aayog will be transferring amount upto Rs.5 lakhs per district based on population figures.
- An incentive of Rs.100 to CSC operator for every merchant enabled to transact digitally.
- 5/- to CSC operator per citizen enrolled to the Digital Payment System
- Top ten(10) Best Performing Districts of India will be awarded the Digital Payment Champions of India Award by NITI Aayog/ Government of India.
- The first fifty (50) Panchayats which go cashless will be awarded the Digital Payment Award of Honour by NITI Aayog/GoI.
Secretary I.T., Sh. Sonam Chombay noted that it is hoped that Kuchkut Village in Yazali Circle will soon be verified as the first cashless village of Arunachal Pradesh and the same shall be nominated as such to the Govt. of India thereafter.