Mama Natung inaugurates training programme on My village-My development

Parliamentary Secretary (RD & Panchayat Raj) Mama Natung today inaugurated two days state level training programme on My village-My development held at the Conference Hall of the SIRD.
Addressing the inaugural function Natung said that my village my development plan is a system where the last person of the village which is run by local self government and development without development of village could not be possible.
He emphasise the officials and PRI members to work in that way so that the need based scheme would be taken up at village level through Gram Sabha.
The ‘team Arunachal’ slogan taken up by the Pema Khandu led government would be possible only if the government, PRI leaders and all stake holders collectively work together for the better development with proper utility of the fund.
He said that the fund which comes from Government of India directly reached to DPDO which shall be send directly to Gram Panchayat and that way the scheme taken up by Gram Sabha is implemented in true later and spirit.
Secretary RD & Panchayat Raj Rinchin Tashi interface on status of GPDP, PES & OSR district wise. He suggested various ways and means of development of village with sincerity and dedicated service of the government servants with support of PRI members at the grassroots. He also emphasis on development to work culture so that the development scheme is taken up in right track with timely intervention of the pace of development. He also moderated the first day programme.
Special Secretary RD & PR and Director SIRD Nyali Ete briefed on strategize community monitoring plan of GPDP-MVMDP, groupwise discussion and presentation were done. Discussion on district level interface, state level Sarpanch Sammelan and exposure visit regarding were also discussed.
SNO (CBPSA) L. K. Kabak presented overview on ‘my village-my development plan initiative in context of Arunachal Pradesh and community monitoring plan.
Nodal Officer (OSR) Mihin Lali brief on status of own source revenue.
Nodal Officer (PES) Rodo Bui elaborated on Panchayat enterprises suite while COO Ar SRLM Rakesh Shrivastava poke on identification of best performing GPs, criteria and other issues etc.