
Victims of police compensate Protests and alleged irregularities in the selection process

Also, Victimized candidates requested to fulfill the grievances, otherwise indefinites democratic movement as well as hunger strike will be done said while addressing to media persons in a press conference at press club, Itanagar on Wednesday.


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Total of 183 Victimized Candidates of Police Compassionate Ground went out on a protest against the Police Department  at Police Headquarter, Chandannagar, for irregularities in selection procedure to the post of police constable in recent declaration of results on 3rd October, 2019.

Also, Victimized candidates requested to fulfill the grievances, otherwise indefinites democratic movement as well as hunger strike will be done said while addressing to media persons in a press conference at press club, Itanagar on Wednesday.

Kime Kaming, DIGP, PHQ, Itanagar commented, there is no irregularities and lacuna from the concern department in selection procedure. Department did the selection procedure by following the criteria and the department will not follow the seniority basis and have not followed in the recent selection of 325 selected candidates from 508 applicants.

The department has followed the standard criteria with some priorities for eligible candidates like died in hardness, killed in duty, widows, whose earning members died within 1-15 years, families with disable dependent, bigger size families, economically poor with valid documents. Also during personal appearance we notice physical fitness, presentation of candidates, character, educational qualification and other necessary documents, he added.

The Victimized Candidates lay down grievances towards the authority concern to immediately bring the solution in connection with the recent declaration of results on 3rd October, 2019 to the post of police constable on compassionate ground which has been found to be great discrepancies and anomalies and nepotism selection procedure.

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The group demands for re-selection procedure on the basis of seniority as per of submitted death certificate of legal heirs of deceased and roll back the procedure of medical-health checkup of those 325 selected candidates which is to be conducted on 21st October, 2019 in Tomo Riba Institute of Health and Medical Science, Naharlagun, to which DIGP agreed to hold the medical checkup process and to include 75 more post to the previous within 10-15 days.

The decision to hold the medical test was taken in a meeting of the candidates with DGP today at PHQ and iin between the PHQ will also verify the cases minutely. Kmaing said.

Also demands appointment of 183 candidates should be done as per legal heirs of the deceased as prescribed under Government of India Service rule.

Mogu Tamen, one of the victimized candidate told that the group consist of victims even from the year 90’s and 2000, and there is no selection of candidates who have already under gone the physical verification process instead new freshly candidates have been selected in the recent selection process which is totally unfair.


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