NABARD Launches Potential Linked Credit Plan (2020-21) for Dibang Valley
potential for institutional credit to Priority sector for the year 2020-21 has been estimated to the tune of Rs.887.48 lakh for Dibang Valley district.

Additional Deputy Commissioner Gautam Hazarika launched the Potential Linked Credit Plan (2020-21) for Dibang Valley District prepared by NABARD in Anini.
The launching was done in presence of all the bankers of the district viz. SBI, Arunachal Pradesh State Cooperative Apex Bank, Lead District Manager, HoDs of line departments of the district. NABARD, DDM Nitya Mili was also present during the launching of PLP for Dibang Valley district in Anini.
NABARD prepares PLPs for each district of the country every year with a view to facilitate flow of institutional credit to priority sector activities including crop loan and term loan for agriculture and allied activities.
In such an annual exercise NABARD carries out a detailed exercise for mapping the credit potential that is expected to stimulate balance growth of all the sectors of the economy of a district. The PLP projections serve as a basis for banks in preparing Annual Credit Plan. The PLP for the year 2020-21 is based on the theme “‘High Tech Agriculture.”
The potential for institutional credit to Priority sector for the year 2020-21 has been estimated to the tune of Rs.887.48 lakh for Dibang Valley district. The potential for credit flow to agriculture sector including crop loan has been estimated to the tune of Rs.663.03 lakh for the district.